Chapter 10: I Have a Message for You

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Day 2

I go into the bathroom. I lock the door and look at myself. My skin dry, my hair poking in all directions, my hands as bony as a skeleton. My mascara dried. I scream. I grab the bottle of beer and throw it against the mirror. I grab a small piece of the broken mirror and feel the sharp edge. I scratch the sink. I turn on the bathtub and sit,with my clothes on. I take a deep breath. I scream. I sink down under  the  water with my tears mixing in. The bubbles start to rise up to the top. I close my eyes. I begin to think about my mother, Jack, Isabel. I start to think about what my life would be like with my mother.    

Then I rise up for air. I need to live. I need to move on with everything. My mother. With Isabel that I can't do anything about. With Jack that doesn't like me. I let the water sink out. I take my hair out and begin brushing it. I put it back in a ponytail. I scrape off the little parts of mascara left. I take off my clothes and throw them in the washer. Then I put on my robe. And I go into the kitchen.

I grab the phone and call Mrs. Perrish.  

" Hello?" Says a small voice.

" Its Clara."

 " What exactly do you want?"

" A chance."

  " Well I told you someone else has your spot and you aren't ready."

        " Let me come please, I don't have anything else and I wont let you down. I need this more than anyone."

        " Lot's of people have problems, why should I give you a chance?" She says.

" Because I'm Clara and she can only be helped by you. And she will do anything that will be needed or sacrificed for this job."

  " Let me see what I can do!"

                                                               " Thank you, thank you!"

 " Alright, alright I'm not promising anything."

  She hangs up and begin to jump up and down.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I think about Isabel. Everything is decided except for her. I got a chance for my job. Jack is unavailable. But Isabel is missing. And if I think about her then I would just want to start investigating. And my life got messed up because of that. I turn on the TV on to the news to see what up. Suddenly the news people stop talking and hold on to their ear piece. And then they begin rambling.

" There seems to be a scene downtown." Says the lady. The screen shows the police covering the bricked wall with yellow warning tape.

" The police reported missing person Isabel Marie Smith found stabbed to the ground with a knife through the chest. No evidence has been confirmed yet on the case meaning no suspects are found. The area has been Hardson Road fifteen blocks away from a nearby train station. There has been a lot of force used says Officer Scotts, he believes that the murderer could be a male based on the way she has her feet pinned to the wall and her head marked to the ground."

I watch in shock. No I was going to find her. I was going to find her damn self and bring her to safety from being dragged into trafficking . And there she is, not with me. The camera closes up to her body. Her eyes are open wide and lock in horror directly at the camera. Tears fall with an expression, I can't understand.

" There seems to be a message left on the brick wall behind her body. Written in blood says the words this is what happens when you don't leave things alone. "

I look back up. Oh my god. Is someone after me?

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