Chapter 16: Breathe

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"A white female in her late twenties. She is in a severe condition. About four broken bones. And a concussion to the brain."

Breathe, stay with me girl. I'm going to have to take another. Clear! You can do it just breathe. They apply another set of volts,but my heart doesn't beat. Another! Another. *beeep* Once more. The heart shows a signal. They sigh with sweat dripping down their faces, as they all stare at my body.

They don't know what happened, they don't know that nobody is going to bring me flowers. That nobody is going to cry wishing it was them instead. The nurses whisper, as they wonder when somebody is going to come claim me. A parent, husband, boyfriend, even some wonder girlfriends. Little do they know I hear everything.

My constant screaming in the world won't do me a difference. No matter how hard I try. Nothing comes out. Lot's of people leave and come but I'm still here. Still here.

My tears drip down my cheeks as some nurses think it's fluid. My eyes shut seeing all the things of my mother happen before my eyes. Us playing ,me throwing flowers. Her running hours. Me loving the rain, her hating the pain. My lonely soul, her only love. My crying and her worries. My struggles and her depression. She was never happy. Only when she came home, to see my happy face. 

The tears itch as I wish someone would wipe them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I dream about what my father said and his lies. Did the detective really do all of those? Did he kill my mother? I wake up to see an alley, so dark and wonderous. So wet and cold. I see my mother up ahead walking with her purse. Looking like she is in a hurry. I run to catch up and call her name. But she doesn't hear me. 

" Mommy! Wait!" My heart beats as I yell those words.Running and running but losing her to a hurry. 

A man starts to follow us. I turn to see who it is but can not. It's too dark. She slows down and turns around, Ruf....?"

He pulls out a gun and pulls the trigger. As she slowly falls to the ground.

" Nooooo!" I scream.

Her locks being soaked in the rain. Her eyes barely getting closed. Her hand out with her wallet. a baby picture of me. I cry as i lift up the wallet of the ground. As she fades.

I turn around to run for him. But fail. My mother comes in a dress. So white and pure. Her coming with a smile and wings. As she land she cups her hands to my face. 

" Mom." I try to say with a sob.

" Honey everything will be fine soon. Just wait."

She drifts of leaving me there staring up at her. She looks towards the light. And disappears.

My heart begins to beat faster and faster. As the alley disappears. And a room appears.  A white clean room. A herd of people come running. Nurses. A loud noise goes off as they stable something.

" Everything will be alright." Says a women. With a sympathetic smile. They give me a set of shots and medicine. As they ask me a series of questions. From what happened to what I know about my father.

I stare at their faces moving expressions every second. As all I can do is blink. Ruf.. Rufus? They ask me who that is? A loved one, someone who can take me?I tell them i live alone, everything. As they decide to let me go. To my piece of messed up life. It has been months, but for me it feels like only days.

I sit up and try to get out, my bones just out of their casts. My first time touching the floor, so cold. I stand up and start walking. It's weird. I get to change to some clothes that were donated to the hospital. I get my things and walk out. Being taken by the police. As they take me in the police car, to drive up to the station. So odd to see again.Same place I started.

They carefully grab my hands to help me out. Thinking I'm a fragile piece of glass. But maybe i am. I insist that i can walk on my own. As they stare with worried expressions. They open the door, with an army of police men walking behind me. And two in front. My expression turns from tired to shocked. The detective is walking down the hall. That same damn detective.

I try to look away but things take a turn when he comes up to the officer in front to speak." Take her to room 13." He says. Eyeing my every room.Oh no. My throat starts a lump as I imagine him in a room alone. With me.

I walk slowly wanting to turn around and run. I sit in the cold smelly seat. Wondering when things would end. When would my life end.

" So Ms. Withers, I see you haven't changed one bit." You piece of crap i think.

" So I understand your father kidnapped you and had you held captive."

I stare into his deep dark eyes, wondering what he was thinking that one instance. My mouth dripping spit. I could understand why his face changed. 

" Ms.Withers is that a yes? Did your father hold you captive?"

I turn to look at his shirt. A nametag. Rufus Aldertom. Oh my god. Rufus?

His expression changes as if he can read my mind. As if he knows that I know what he has done. If  he did it.


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