Chapter 12 : I'm Watching You

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Day 4

I shut my curtains tight. I go into my living room. I grab a piece of paper and a marker. As I sit down I close my eyes. I try to put the weird pieces of my life together. I take of the marker  top and throw it on the ground. I begin to write the incident of the creepy guy staring into my window. Then I begin to think of the incident at the grocery store. I write down about how Jack's girlfriend talked about me with his father and then about my picture. I write down Isabel's death. I write down the message on the scene of her death. I write down how my mother's killer was never found. Then I sit and stare at the incidents I have written. Oh my god I realize that Jack's father is, has to be Officer Scotts. Jack's last name is Scotts. And when I went to his desk to steal the evidence of Isabel's phone his name tag was on there. And the Officer of Isabel's case of death at the news was Officer Scotts. He had the exact same features as Jack. And I start to remember the officer of my mothers case Officer Scotts if I remember correctly. I run to my locked safe that I keep under my bed. My passcode gets quickly put in. I open the big fat stack of papers for my mothers case. The file doesn't say anything so I look through the papers inside. Oh my god as I scroll in I find it. Officer Scotts.

I sit down and think about what I have just accomplished. I connect the lines from my mothers death to Officer Scotts. Then to Jack which then goes to the phone call with his dad. It's all connecting but for what. I don't understand what all the connections are leading to I mean there is no conclusions. I drink slowly my cup of coffee barely swallowing it down. I then stop and listen. I begin to hear loud stomping and coming outside my house with more than one foot steps. I can hear them running up closer and closer up the steps. Then I hear a big knock. 

" This is the police open up!" They say with a loud husky voice. I slowly open the door with fear. 

" You are under arrest for the murder of Isabel Marie Smith and Kathrine Patterson. You have the right to remain silent, should you however refuse this right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be provided by the court." They begin to lock the handcuffs around my wrists.

" No wait I haven't done anything, please !" I cry those words as I begin to feel my heart sink. What the hell  is going on?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Slam!  A suited man holding a stack of papers hits the door. Slam! he throws the files down on the table. 

" I expected someone a bit more ... muscular or big." He says with real surprise.

" Please you have to believe me, I don't understand what is going on. I haven't committed any crimes and I don't even know who Kathrine Patterson is!"

" You are a smart girl hiding all the evidence and actually looking clueless Ms. Withers."

" Sir I haven't done anything , there must be some explanation to all this or maybe the evidence is incorrect?"

" Don't be smart with me , we know very well that you where the one with the knife because your DNA was all over it."

" My DNA?"

" Your hair." He says with an annoyed expression .He begins to open the first big file of papers.

" Isabel Marie Smith, was found in an alley pinned onto the wall upside down with a knife stabbed through her chest. A message was left saying this is what happens when you don't leave things alone. Who was that meant for?"

" I don't know!" I say upset and tired.

" Kathrine Patterson, pushed to the ground and stabbed in the back. Another message was left saying stop searching or  you will be next. Who are these messages for?

" I really don't know, I think it's possibly for me!"

" Using your own crimes to make you seem innocent, good idea but not good enough. You see I have seen it all Ms. Withers .So don't for a second think I don't know you are lying." I guess he isn't that good if he thinks I did it. But how the hell did my DNA get on it.

" Look you have to  believe me, I have never hurt anyone in my life and I sure as ever haven't killed  someone. I have no idea how my hair got on the murder weapon and I don't really know who could be after me. But believe me when I say that I didn't even know Kathrine Patterson."

" Did you know Isabel Smith? Because in my files it says you guys when to school together until her home was too abusive for her to stay in and she ran away and was joined in by a gang. And I digged some dirt and found you were in the hospital from getting beaten up by someone with a weapon. Tell me was that a coincidence? This is how I picture it, you came to kill Isabel in the alley but another gang member had found you in the street and hit you because maybe that was an area no outsider should know of. After you got out of the hospital you went back into the neighborhood and found Isabel in the alley and killed her.  Then left the message with her blood."

" Well now I think its time you listen to my story sir. I am being framed. The only reasonable explanation for my DNA on the weapon is that someone that knows me or has been around me has taken my hair which by the way isn't the hardest thing to get from person you are with. And if you have looked into my past which I am pretty darn sure by the looks of it you have, you would know that I don't have anyone really. My mother was murdered which will lead to the next thing I say. And my real father left me when I was two. My step parents are in prison. And the only other person I know that has been in or possibly close to my house is Jack Scotts."

I tell him all about the creepy guy that looked through my window to all about the evidence I found and how I told him about Jacks girlfriend and dad Officer Scotts.

" So your alibi has to do with... Officer Scotts son and possibly himself?" He says in disbelief.

'" Yes."

" Do you have any sort of proof to what you are saying?"

" Yes , but you will have to help me dig it up." I raise my hands up in cuffs for the guards to take me to my temporary cell. Jack Scotts , I'm coming for you!

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