Chapter 11: Stalker

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Day 3

I look through my window. Nobody is there. I decide that even though my theory is dumb that it makes total sense. I mean it doesn't, but it does. On the other hand it could be just another one of her gang members or stripper friends that might have done something like that. The message could be for anyone in the dangerous neighborhood. But for some reason I think it was meant for me. My paranoia starts to grow. What if there is someone staring at me right now. I watch to much TV but it doesn't hurt to be protective. And who can blame me, I'm all by myself.

I look through my pantry. I really need to go grocery shopping. But today I want to have a great day. So I'm going to make an amazing breakfast. I am a pretty good cook. I remember myself learning from my mother how to cook delicious dishes. Since we used to travel around to Europe. We where never rich but we would save up money so we could take big travels. I remember going to France with her. How we would go to their local farmed goods store. They would speak in such accents we would have to look through our little dictionary translator. It was funny how they would yell and use their hands to speak in such way it would make me laugh.

I head out to the grocery store grabbing my keys. As I drive I begin thinking of the delicious dish I am about to make. As I loom into the store I rush through everything to find the meats. There I see Jack holding his girlfriends hand. I couldn't stand having them see me as an awkward as ever since the last time me and Jack talked. I hide myself next the chips section and listen closely to what they are saying.

" I will take drums please!" He says. I wonder what they are going to make with chicken.

" Oh babe what you gonna make this time, is it going to be a homemade recipe." She says with an enthusiasm.

" Yup something delicious."

I begin to walk away as they kiss. Then I stop, why the hell am I supposed to walk away because of them. I slowly walk closer to the butcher farthest from them.

" I will have a pack of square beef please." I say.

Then while I wait I listen to what they say.

" Oh my god is that the crazy lady you were talking about baby." She says as my teeth clench. Crazy lady huh. I hope he freaking chokes on his chicken.

" Yes actually but how did you now it was her."

" Well when you were on the phone with your dad I heard you talking about a lady and you had a picture of a women that looked obviously like her, in your hand."

Oh my god what the hell. He has a photo of me? Wait his dad, why was he talking about me to his dad.

" Baby not here okay let's go." He says as he picks up his order. I receive mine and decide to look their direction. And their gone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As I go into the kitchen I try to forget what I just encountered. I'm going to make my beef bourguignon. I preheat my oven and then bring out a bowl with olive oil on the bottom. I take out the pieces of beef and dry them. Then I take out black pepper and salt and sprinkle them. I then toss my diced carrots and onions with some thyme. I open my oven and put it in.

I look out the window and stare out. I remember how when Isabel and I were younger we would sit and watch out the window of the boys making noise from playing soccer. And Isabel was tough. She would scream out the window.

" Hey be quiet we are trying to have a girls night!" As I would pressure her about being rude.

As I begin eating my delicious bourguignon. I star out through the pouring rain. Since I live on the top floor I can hear the hard rain. I don't get bothered by stomping of neighbors but the beauty of nature. As I look back out I decide I'm going to bring some candles.

I go into my cabinets and grab a forest scented candle. Then I look back out . Suddenly in all that rain I see a big ,black coated tall figure. It's staring directly onto my eyes and into my soul. As scared as I am I sink directly under the window. I grab out my phone and take down the candle. I blow it out. Even though I know that it was on the big hill in front of the other set of buildings it creeped me out. I slowly rise back up and look. He's gone.

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