Park Jihoon - study buddy

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The school bell that signaled the start of lunch suddenly rang, interrupting our math teacher

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The school bell that signaled the start of lunch suddenly rang, interrupting our math teacher. Without wasting any time I quickly stood up from my seat, threw my textbook into my unorganised bag, zipped the bag up, slung it over my back and started making my way out of the classroom.

"Not so fast (y/n)." Mr Kang muttered as I was about to step out of his classroom. I turned my head around to face him, only to see the teacher telling me to come towards him with a simple finger gesture. So I did.

"You're failing." He bluntly told me, sounding bored and very unhappy. "I know." I replied, matching his blunt tone, wanting to make this conversation short as I had a big slice of chocolate cake in my locker that I was desperate for. "Your grades are currently the lowest in the class." Mr Kang sighed. "So, I got you a tutor."

Before I could even say anything about the idea that I already hated someone knocked the door. "Ah, here he comes now." Mr Kang said before shouting 'come in' to my new tutor. Who was now slowly opening the door.

My eyes widened as I seen Park Jihoon walk into the classroom. "I-is he my tutor?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes. This is your tutor, Jihoon." 

All of sudden I was enjoying the idea of having a tutor.

Especially if it's Jihoon.

Mr Kang explained to us what we would be studying, where we would be studying and when we would be studying  it.

"I'll meet you at the library tomorrow night then. Yeah?" Jihoon asked as we were both exiting the class. "Yhea." I started, putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll see you then." I confirmed. I was about to walk away until Jihoon started to speak again. "Great. I can't wait! Can I get your number in case there's a change of plans?" He asked me. Although he asked the question very quickly, so I had almost no idea what he was asking. But I somehow understood what he was asking and agreed.

I entered the library, before looking around to see if I could spot my new tutor. We had both been texting each other constantly, so I now felt quite comfortable with him.

I spotted the boy and made my way over to him and the table he was sitting at.  

"Hello, study buddy." I greeted Jihoon once I reached the table. He laughed before greeting me back with a short 'hello'.

Jihoon looked up at me from a page of a math textbook as I put my bag down, under the table and began to sit down. "Why are you so happy?"

"I brought donuts." I excitedly told him. The expression on his face suggested he didn't believe me, so I took the packet of donuts from my bag and slammed them onto the round table. Although not too hard as I didn't want to squish them. "I love you!" Jihoon said as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you too." I told him as I awkwardly patted the boys back.

But within a few seconds Jihoon removed himself from me. "Should we get started?" He asked, picking up a pen, starting to fiddle it about between his fingers. I replied with a long and loud groan. "Do we have to?"

He laughed again. "Turn to page fifty four."

We had been studying for just over an hour and I had already completely lost interest. "You're not even paying attention." Jihoon moaned, looking at me. "Yes, I am." I replied. Although I knew it was a lie. Jihoon  had even seen me trying to balance a pen above  my lip.

"What were we looking at then?"

"Um triangles?" I told him. But it was clear I was unsure as It sounded like a question. "Nope. Algebra."

"Oh yeah. I just got the words triangles and algebra muddled up. They do sound very similar after all."

Jihoon was silent and just shook his head, laughing once again.

"Next time I catch you not paying attention I will give you a punishment." He told me, with a small smirk starting to develop on his face. "What's the punishment?" I asked, moving closer to him. He instantly replied. "You'll have to go on a date with me."

Lets just say I purposely stopped listening to the lesson after he said that.

How is that even a punishment?

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This is just a quick, unedited chapter that I wanted to post before I go on my silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition tomorrow. (If anyone even knows what that is)

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