Chapter 1, Zachry's p.o.v

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I lay on the floor with blood all over me. 7 bottles down 3 to go. I am nearly unconscious, I tell myself only a few more pills to go until its all over. I grab the knife and place it on my wrist and I loose control over myself, the words Gay, Queer, Fag, Dumbass, ugly and fat are craved into my arms. The blood slowly drips down into the bucket I hope to fill. I am loosing a lot of blood, it wont stop. I start to panic. I scream in pain and for help then I remember that I am home alone. I have to get help. I need my phone. I cant call 9-1-1 they will call my uncle and I will get kicked out from the only place I have left to live, no one else will take me in. I cant be homeless at 14.  I have to call someone, anyone, Finn. He is the only one who will understand. I try to stand up but I fall straight to the ground. I try and try and try, each time I fail and I'm loosing more blood. There is a trail of blood behind me. I finally get my phone. I cant call him he wouldn't hear me. I have to face time him. I call 3 times before he answers. When he answers I can barely talk. the look on his face is so horrible I cant stand it, I say help and I black out. His horrified face is the last thing I see. I am unconscious I feel nothing though, I can see. I'm in a white room alone no one else is there. I see someone, something. I don't know what it is though, not yet. I start walking and walking and walking. I don't feel like I'm moving but I am, at least I think I am.. Am I dreaming? I heard you don't dream when your dead. I must not be dead. Gosh, this feels like forever. where am I? Who am I? Am I alive? I want to know the answers to these simple questions, I don't think I will until I hear sirens. Am I imagining them, too? I'm not I know I cant be. I open my eyes and I see Finn, I think I smile. Wait who is that by Finn? Its a boy with blonde hair and he is unconscious.. Wait its me. Why am I outside of my own body? is this one of those dream things? I don't care all I care about is how everyone is doing. Finn is in tears he is holding my hand, we are still in the ambulance, we arrive at the hospital and the nurses are rushing me in. I don't have a pulse, they say I'm dead they want to give up. Finn wont let them stop trying to bring me to life. They keep shocking me and shocking me then all of a sudden it all goes black...  

Do not go gently. (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang