Chapter 14, last chapter.

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                          Finn's P.O.V

                "Holy crap is that Tyler?" Cody asks as I help pull him up. "Yeah, I wonder what happened.." I say almost in tears. The truth is I don't care, he deserves it. I drag Cody away into out room and we disappear. We take a nap for about three hours then we wake up to screaming. Cody jumps up and runs out of the room, it's Tyler... He hung himself. Keegan and Daniel are trying to get him down from the door way but they can't. I go over and help get Tyler's limp body from the rope. We set him down on the ground and just cry. We are crying for what seems like hours but i'm sure its only like ten minutes.

       After the police come everyone is aloud to leave and go home for a few days, as a break. We call Echo and Lyric to come pick us up. They do and as soon as we get into the car Echo comes up and kisses Cody. I am shocked and so is Cody. He doesn't say or do anything. Just sits there. Silent. "Hello? You alive Cody?" I ask nudging him a little. "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." He stutters. "Whatever" I roll my eyes and give Echo the stink eye. I hope she notices.

"Hey, this is sad lets turn up some music!" Lyric yells as she turns the radio up all the way on her Paramore CD. She pulls down her visor and a picture of  Josh falls out. "What's that?" I ask, she looks at me for a split second and I can tell she is blushing. "Oh, nothing.." She says with a  slight laugh. "Suurrreee." I say making kissy sounds. "Don't judge me!" She says smiling, "I'm not! I still have a picture of Zachry.." I say pulling out my only picture of Zachry and I left... She looks at it then we hear a scream.

"LYRIC LOOK OUT!!" Echo screams. That's the last thing I hear before it all goes black.

                                                                        Zachry's P.O.V

I wake up. Unbelievable. Was everything a dream? Where am I? I look around and I see that I am in the hospital. "What the hell?" I ask sitting up. I am light headed. "Hey! He is up!!" I look around wanting to know where and who the voice came from. "What? Where are you?" I ask the random stranger in the darkness. "Don't you remember me? Well you wouldn't. I know you, I know a lot of things about you Zachry." He says, I know it's a he. "What? How? Who are you? Please come out." I beg. I see a tall figure come out of the shadows. I recognize his face from my dreams. It's Josh. "Josh? Where is Finn?" I ask, sounding like a baby. Josh collapses sobbing. "No..." I say shaking my head crying, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.." I keep telling myself that, it's no use. I can't escape the terrible truth. Josh stands up and holds me, telling me the whole story. It was exactly like the way I dreamt, only it was Josh telling the story. He tells me I have been in a coma for 3 months after jumping off the bridge. I can't take this right now. We leave and we go to Josh's house. Someone is there, I have seen this person before. I can't see his face, only his figure. Before I can even see his face I know who it is. It's Finn!! I drop my small bag of my possessions and run up and hug him. He acts startled. "Finn, I can't believe your alive!! ♥" I yell. "Who are you?" He asks. Those words. Just those three words. Scar me for life. 

                                                                                                   THE END

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