Chapter 2, Finn's p.o.v

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I have been at the hospital for almost 7 hours!!!! At first they took him into the Urgent Care Center after they brought him back to life and they had his stomach pumped. Then the nurse said he woke up in the middle of it and he was panicking, I don't know if I can believe that the nurse is very rude and dishonest.. Anyways then they put him back to sleep and when she said that I thought they like killed him I was freaking out!! I started yelling at the  nurse saying how could you, blah blah blah.. they had to have the male nurses hold me down for me to calm down.  It was about 2A.M. when Zachry's uncle (Mr. Todd) called;

Mr. Todd~ Where the fuck is Zachry?

Me~ He Is staying at my house.

Mr. Todd~ I saw your note, he tried to kill himself? How come you didn't call me? He could be dead! How would I explain that to the police? Oh ya he killed himself because he is a pathetic pussy.

Me~ HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT!!!! He has been through so much that you will NEVER understand!! You need to get slapped in the face with a brick!!!!

Mr. Todd~ How dare you tell me that!!! You know what I would be glad if he was dead because I wouldn't have to deal with his SHIT!!

Me~ You don't deserve him!!!!

Mr. Todd~ YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN HAVE HIM!!! I will have his shit outside of my house by tomorrow at noon! He can stay with you!!!

He hung up

Fuck now Zachry doesn't have a place To live because of me. Its all my fault!! I get another phone call only its from Melanie, shit I forgot we had a date tonight but I was at the hospital..

Melanie~ Where the fuck were you?

Me~Sorry babe, I was with Zachry..

Melanie~ OF COURSE ZACHRY!!! You guys should just date!!

Me~ Babe..


Me~ Wh- what do you mean, Done?


        Fuck me..

 I black out, when I wake up Zachry is awake. He woke me up, he whimpered it was soo cute!!! He looks like he is about to cry his eyes out, how do I tell him that when he gets out of here he wont have any where to go?

He doesn't look happy, he knows something is up. He is not okay he says he is but I know he isn't okay!

His nurse walks in with some horrible, horrible, horrible news 

he is going to an asylum in 2 days. He starts bawling and I cant stand it when he cries I tried to calm him down but it didn't work, so I did what I have been wanting to do since I first met him..

I kissed him straight on the lips, at first he was surprised and tried to get out then  he relaxed and he kept kissing me. :)tumblr_mb4ztu27cb1rhm69eo4_250

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