Chapter 4

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                                                            Zachry's P.O.V.

We leave the hospital an hour after he kissed me. His mom doesn't know that I am gay or I was at the hospital, So we just go down the street a ways to the skate park (We both LOVE to skate). We call her and ask her if she could come pick us up. She said she had some things to do so she would be there in like an hour. Finn and I know where the extra skateboards are so we get two.  We start going down the half pipe when I notice some boys starring at me. 'Fuck they are going to kill me and make fun of me' I thought.

Finn noticed that I got tense and he looked around and when he finally saw the boys they smiled at him. He blushed..

'Of course he would blush! Look at those boys, they are sooo much cuter and skinnier!!' I was almost in tears but I hid them under a fake smile. 

Finn told me he wanted to go over there, I argued at first saying maybe we shouldn't but he lured me into it. I blame his damn eyes!!

so we go over there and the guys wouldn't stop smiling! I had to admit they were pretty cute! ^.^ They looked like they were staring at me.. Nope im not cute! They never would!!

Finn~ Hey whats up? im Finn and this is Zachry, and you guys are?

Josh~ Im Josh and this is Cody. tumblr_mjq9m9ohvb1qf2rw8o1_500(This is Josh)

  tumblr_mjpkiqJixy1re0vtqo1_500 (This is Cody)

Cody~ Hey :) Cody is staring at me and blushing. I start to blush ^.^Finn is to busy with Josh to notice.. Cody was just staring at me. He didn't say anything.. I felt a little weird so I started asking questions.

"So.. Cody how old are you?"    

"Im 14." He blushed. "How old are you?"

"Im 14 as well." I smiled because of his smile. Its just so adorable. "Are you from around here?" I don't think he is.. I mean I would have seen him if he was, right? Its a really small town and a boy as cute as him... Stop it Zachry! 

"Actually I'm not. I have lived for about 4 years. I am living with Josh now."

"Oh is he like your brother?"

"He is my cousin, He is 17 and he has his own place."

"where are your parents? I mean like does he live alone?"

 "Our parents died in a car accident 5 years ago.."

"Oh my god.. I'm sorry I didn't know.."

"Its okay" He smiles when he notices I'm blushing.

I hear Finn and Josh talking loudly, I get nervous. I go and see what is happening.. Josh goes in to kiss Finn but Finn doesn't like that very well so he pushes Josh to the ground. Fuck.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!?!" I hear Finn yell at him.

"What? I wasn't trying to do anything bad!" Josh said very upset.

I grab Cody and drag him over to Finn and Josh.

"Okay we all need to talk and calm down!! We don't need any fights. Lets all just sit in a circle and introduce ourselves." I told them all to get into a big circle on the ground. With Cody and I sitting in between them.

"Okay now Josh you tell us about yourself"

"Well what is there to know? Im Josh Berkley, Im 17 years old. Cody and I live together because our parents are dead. I am STRAIGHT I am in High school at Palmerdale, and that's about it."

I looked at Finn, he had a confused look on his face. I knew that he thought Josh was cute and he was disappointed that he was straight.. I got upset, but I know he knew that I thought Cody was cute.

"Finn would you like to go next?" "sure" he said it in a pissed off voice..

"Im Finn. Im athletic and I love Zachry. I am gay and Zachry is my boyfriend. Im 14 years old and I have lived here all my life. I live with my mom and Zachry is going to move in with me. I go to Palmerdale as well. I love to skateboard and swim. That's it."

I could see the disappointment in Cody's eye when Finn said I was his boyfriend. I didn't even know I owned that title 'Finn's Boyfriend' Now I could get use to that :)

"Cody would you go next?" Josh asked in a happy tone in his voice. "sure"

"Well im Cody, Im 14. I am 'Emo' I am also Bisexual. I am going to the mental hospital in a few days. I don't go to Palmerdale. I don't go to school at all actually, I stay home and listen to music. I am Bulimic and I cant stand the sight of 1 direction and Justin Bieber!"

Holy shit.. He is amazing!!! okay now its my turn :)

"well Im Zachry, Im 14. I go to Palmerdale. I guess you could call me 'emo' But I don't like that word! I hate labels. Im gay. I love Finn! I love Metal/rock music and I am also going to the mental Hospital in a few days :)"

They all stare at me in disbelief. Even Finn. "What? Did I do something" I guess they didn't expect that.. Oh well.

Thankfully Finn's Mom pulled up and we left. I got Cody's Number though. I was super excited! We decided to get something to eat so we went to McDonalds. Right as we walked in, Tyler and his stupid friends were there..tumblr_mjvnnjFKlo1qm5rw5o1_500 ( This is Tyler)

Tyler~ " I thought I smelt gay in the air."

Finn~ Shut up already!

Tyler~ Oh defending for your little boyfriend? you ant save him from this

Before I know it everything is black. I can hear. I hear Finn yelling and them I hear a thump and Finn's Mom screaming. Then everything's gone. I cant hear anything its only black and I'm alone.

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