Chapter 9

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             Zachry's P.O.V.

I can't breathe. All I know is that I'm cold, Cody chased after me, and I can't breathe. I am going to give up. I just am. I am starting to see my life flash before my eyes. I'm so done. Good bye. 

I don't even care anymore. I put my head above the water on last time open my eyes and i sees Cody laying in the water unconscious, I have to help him first before i go. I slowly swim to him and push him up on the water banks and I swim into the middle of the river and i swim all the way down to the bottom and i "accidentally" get my pants stuck on a rock. I slowly die. 

                                                                                                * * * 

                                                                                          Cody's P.O.V.

I think I am dreaming. I dream of Zachry. I dream of him when we were kids (4 th grade) I remember us on the play ground. He said Hi to me and i almost cried, he said i was weird and he left. I remember that really hurt me. I promised myself I Would get back at him. Now i only want to get to him and be with him.  Now nothing. I'm alone in a white room. I open my eyes and the light is so bright and white I almost go blind. This is horrible. I'm all alone. 

Me- Hello?

Suddenly I hear a voice. I recognize this voice. It's Zachry's 

Me- Zachry?

Zachry- Hey babe. You need to live. I can't anymore. I need to go, you have such an amazing life ahead of you. Trust me i have seen it. It is so amazing. Yes you will struggle at first, but you will fall in love. You will always remember me, you will think of me everyday. I know you don't want this. I don't either but it is just the way things are. I love you, I am sorry. 

He disappears. Gone forever out of my reach. How am I going to tell Finn... 

This is just to much. I am alone in this white room. I need to get out of here now! I start running and running and running but there is no way out of here. I need to get out now or i will have a panic attack.  I start to just scream, I stop running. This is all getting to hard for me, I collapse. I just cry myself to sleep.. 

I wake up on the river bank. Alone. I get up, to quickly.. I loose my balance and fall into the River. Luckily i get myself out before the water can sallow me. I stand up and this time i don't loose my balance. I look around for someone, anyone. No one is their yet. I look around for Zachry.. I know he isn't going to be there but i hope his body is at least floating.. It isn't. I start to hear police sirens in the distance. I can't leave. Not now, not until i find Zachry's body. He needs a proper burial. I need to get off of the river bank and back onto the street. I can;t get myself to do it. I have to find Zachry. I get this boost of Adrenaline in me and I jump back into the water i go down as far as i can, my eyes are burning. I think i see his body. He is stuck on a rock, his leg is in between two rocks. He is dead. I know that for sure but deep down i am praying, hoping he isn't't.  

i go down and grab him. I am almost drowning but i don't care. I will do anything and everything to get him, his dead cold body, back to life or at least above the water that killed him. I can't just leave him, I have to get air. I go up and then dive right back down. I grab him and i pull as hard as i can. He is getting looser and looser. When i finally get him unstuck i am out of breath and just so tired. I can hardly swim anymore. I push him up with one final push and he goes above the water. I almost pass out them someone grabs me and yanks me out the water. 

                                             *1 day later*

I wake up in my bed. I honestly don't know what happened yesterday. I can't feel my hand. I want to get up so badly but something is holding me down. I yell for Josh and my friends Echo and Lyric come. I want them but i really need Josh. 

Me- Hey, where is josh? I really need him..

Lyric- He is at the hospital and some guy named Finn's house...

Me-He went to Finn's.. Without me?? I need to go, get there now!!

Echo- I'm sorry baby, but you can't.

Me- Well why not? You can't stop me. I need to tell them what happened.. What really happened. 

Lyric- but do you know what really happened? 


I am bawling in Lyrics arms.. I love her so much, she is like my sister. I need to go to Finn's and explain everything that happened.

Me- Lyric, Echo will you guys do me a favor and take me to Finn's house so he doesn't commit suicide. I think you guys will really like him. Please, help me save a life. 

Echo- Okay. We will, we will help you. Just this once! If Josh gets mad I am blaming this on you. 

I am smiling uncontrollably


We get into Lyric's car ( She is 16) and we head to his house.

When we get there Lyric and Echo stay in the car. I go up to the door and ring the doorbell. Josh answers he is pissed. His eyes are all red a puffy and he has tear stains on his shirt. I think He might be using Zachry's death as an advantage to get Finn... 

Josh- What the fuck are you doing here? 

Me- I am going to tell Finn the truth, the real truth not the bullshit you are telling him. 

This was the first time i have ever stood up for myself and cussed about something to Josh, i feel confident. 

Josh- Fine but when he kicks you out don't come crying to me. 

He takes me to his room and once Finn sees me he starts crying even harder. I go to him and just hug him, I start bawling to. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and asks:

So he is really gone, Isn't he? 

We both just collapse and cry. 

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