Chapter 2, Zachry's p.o.v

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   I wake up in the hospital. My head is killing me, my stomach hurts, and my arm hurts and I want to die. I don't remember hardly anything. All I remember is that I wanted to kill myself and Finn... FINN crap where is he? What happened? Is he okay? I start to panic, I cant open my eyes. What is happening? I know I'm alive because I can hear everything I just cant see, am I blind?  I hope I'm not. I cant hear the ECG ( Beeping machine) And I hear the nurses talking. I try to talk but I cant. I cant even open my mouth. I think I have a tube in my throat. AHHHH The nurses hear my ECG beeping quicker and I think she knows I'm awake.

Nurse~ Hey, Zachry? Its okay don't panic. we are pumping your stomach right now, its going to be okay. Your friend Finn is in the other room sleeping. Your okay, you cant move at all because your arms are tide down and we taped your eye lids shut. I am going to give you some more medicine so you can go back to sleep.

I hear her move around looking for stuff. I don't want to go back to sleep! I want to wake up and see Finn! I cant stand this! I feel the nurse but something into my I.V. bag, I feel sick. I stop hearing things and soon I am unconscious.

 I walk up in the hospital, I open my eyes! I CAN SEE!! I just cant remember anything.. -.- The first thing I see is Finn, Omg He looks so cute. He is asleep in a chair, I feel bad for him, he stayed here all night!! I cant believe it! I mean we are best friends and all but maybe he wants to be  more... Stop it Zachry he has a girl friend. Did he drive me here? How did I get here? What is my uncle going to say? What is he going to do? I move my arms and I whimper in pain. Finn wakes up.

He looks at me with those blue eyes, I think my heart just stopped. He smiles at me and asks if I  am okay. I am now:) I swear I am blushing my eyes out!

Finn~ Hey Zachy

Holy crap he called my Zachy!!

Me~ Hey what's up? How did I get here?

Finn~ After you face timed me I ran to your house and I found you laying on the floor so I called an ambulance and after 6 hours of you sleeping, here we are now :) How are you?

Me~ Oh, I'm fine. Where is my uncle? Does he know?

Finn~ I left him a note and I haven't talked to him since. I can call him.

Me~ Oh, Its okay I will go home later and we will talk.

 The nurse comes in and has some horrible news

Nurse~ Zachry, You are going to the Asylum In two days.

I start bawling and she leaves. Finn slowly gets on my bed and hugs me, I won't stop crying he tries to calm me down but I won't! He kisses me and I shut up pretty quick.  

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