Chapter 6

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                                                               Zachry's P.O.V.

  I ran out of his house faster than anything. His mom just looked confused. I didn't even grab my shoes. Where am I going? I think im heading to the skate park. I really want to see Cody.. Is that bad? I mean I like him... But do I like him like that? I don't know, right now I don't care I just need to get there and have him hold me.. If he wants to. I just want to feel excepted, feel loved.. I hope I can feel like that with him. I felt like that with Finn but I don't know. Now I feel like he hates me.. I need to pay attention to the road. Is that him? Can I see him? Is he there? So many questions! I hate it when I think like this. I'm over thinking, I hate it when I do that..  Gosh I am so stupid. I just ran into the middle of the road.. Was it on purpose? I don't even know that! I need to sit down.  I have been running for almost a mile with out stopping and barely breathing. Okay, the skate park is right there. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I have to make it, just 200 feet away. I'm so close. I yell:


I hear a voice: "YA WE ARE HERE!"

I smile like an idiot, I can see Josh. I don't want Josh I want Cody. Why do I want Cody? I need help.. I get close enough so that I can see them both perfectly. Cody looks cuter than ever! He is still in the clothes from last time we saw him. Was it yesterday? Was it earlier today? I am so messed up I cant even remember.. I run up to them and I collapse. I'm still conscious, but I can hardly move.

Cody- Oh my god what happened? Are you okay? I swear if Finn beat you up I will be-

Josh- What will you do?

Cody- I- I don't know... I just want to help..

Josh- Maybe you should help the barely conscious boy in front of you.

Cody- Zachry, are you okay? What happened??

Me- I.. I don't know what happened. Yesterday when we left with Finn's mom we went to get lunch and Tyler was there and we got beat up... I don't remember anything..

Cody- Oh my god... That was earlier today..

Josh- Where is Finn? Is he okay?

Me- He is at his house. His mom took both of us there I think after we went to the hospital.. I don't know the whole story only things I can remember.

Josh- Tell me everything you do remember.

Me- Honestly.. I only remember when Tyler punched me and Then Finn yelled, then I heard his mom scream and that's it.  After that everything went black. Then I remember waking  up in Finn's bed, his mom was in the room talking to him telling him stuff. She practically told him that she didn't want him hanging out with me anymore.. She doesn't know he is gay. He was still unconscious, I hope we can still be friends. I really love him. Then after she left him alone I went to take a shower. The water was freezing all I did was cry. I was in there for a bout 2 hours. I don't know if Finn woke up in that time period, but if he did he was surely talking to his mom. I think he fell back asleep because after two hours of the shower I went back to his room and I sat on him. I started talking to him then I kissed him and left.

Cody- Holy crap.. I'm sorry. You can stay with us as long as you need.

Josh- Yeah.. and maybe I will pay a visit to Finn...

Cody- Just stop Josh!! We all know you have a thing for Finn.. You're not fooling anyone!


   Wait WHAT?!?!? I mean why would he like me? I'm gross. I don't know what to do so I just close my eyes and fall asleep.

      When I wake up its dark outside. I am inside someone's house, I hope it's not Finn's. I sit up and I se Cody asleep right by me on the couch. I think this is Josh's house. I get up and look around. I see 3 bedrooms. Who else lives here besides Josh and Cody? Hope fully a nice person.. I open a door and I think its Josh's room, well I know it's his room because he is asleep on his bed. Gosh I'm so stupid! I open up the next door and I think it's Cody's room. It's sooo neat and clean and perfect. Just like him! I seriously need to stop. I fall.. I make such a loud noise I think China can hear me.. I don't think I woke anyone up.. But I did.

Josh- What the Hell are you doing? I could kick you out!


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