Chapter 5

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         I wake up in Finn's Room. Finn is next to me. His mom Isn't  in the room. I can hear Finn's Dad screaming at his mom, why? I don't know.

          ( Finn's Mom's name is Rebeca and his Dad's name is Thomas)

  Thomas- DAMMIT Rebeca how could you let this happen?

Rebeca- It was the other kid! I know Finn would not't have done this is Zachry was not't there!

     Great now its my fault! Maybe I should just die and never come back!

   Thomas- Not that! I really don't give a shit if he was there or not, I mean the fucking cuts on Finn's Body!!! Did you know?

Rebeca- Yes I knew... I didn't't tell you because I knew you would get like this! He stopped! They aren't't new! Gosh you need to calm down!

Thomas-CALM DOWN?!?! How could I calm down when I know my kid is a fuck up?!?!

Rebeca- He is NOT a fuck up! How dare you talk about him like that! He is perfect, he is just perfection!

Thomas- That is what you thought of Freddie but look is he with us know? NO because you decided and thought he was FINE!

    Freddie? I don't remember a Freddie.. WAIT I do! Kind of!! I remember there was always a kid who looked just like Finn! He would always play with us and hang out with us! I thought they were like cousins, Freddie and Finn were best friends! We would always hang out until one day he stopped coming to hang out with us then Finn and his family left for a while and came back and Finn.. Well he was different..

   Rebeca - (Sobs) SHUT UP!!! DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!!! You know loosing him was HORRIBLE!! 

    It goes silent.. I hear a loud thud and then I hear a door slam. I want to get up and go check but I'm to scared.. She comes into Finn's room and I act like I'm sleeping. I take a peek at her and her face is red and her eyes are swollen. She grabs Finn's Hand and starts talking to him.

    Rebeca- Finn.. Baby I'm soo sorry! I didn't't mean for any of this to happen. I'm even more sorry about your brother.. I hope you never do what he did. If you do I mean, I wouldn't't be able to live with myself.. I love you Finn and I will do ANYTHING in my power to keep you safe, and my baby boy. If that means keeping you away from people like Melanie or Zachry, I will. I'm sorry baby this is happening..

   I act like I just wake up. She says hello and leaves.. I don't know what I do, so like always I just cry. I cry and cry and cry. Silent cries. Know one knows and no one needs to know. I go to take a shower and I just sit there under the freezing cold water crying. I cant take this anymore so I just want leave.. I have to see him First.....

                                                                                                                  Finn's P.O.V.

I cant remember anything. Its all gone. Swept away from my memory. I can think about it and maybe I could remember little details, but I don't want to think about it. I can faintly hear voices. I don't know whose they are. I want to wake up SO badly. I am trying so hard to open my eyes but its not working. I am loosing control of myself. I cant hardly move anything else on my body. I can open my mouth and move my fingers. I force my eyes open and all I see is white. It takes a few minutes before I start seeing the outline of things. I see my wall and window. Now I am seeing colors. I cant move my head yet so the only things I can see are the things right in front of me. I hear the shower on. Who would be in my shower? My parents have their own shower... Was I with someone? Melanie? Zachry? Who? I yell and my mom comes in my room.

Finn- Mom, What's wrong with me? What happened? Why cant I move anything?

Rebeca- Baby, you were in a  horrible fight.

Finn- WITH WHO?!?!

Rebeca- With Tyler Jimmez

    I fought Tyler? Why would I fight Tyler? I mean yeah I HATE him but I don't want to fight him.. Something happened. I know I'm not like that, something triggered me to do that! Where is Melanie? Was she with me? 

Finn- What? Why would I do that? I hate him but I don't like fighting? Was Melanie there? What caused me to do that?

Rebeca- You don't remember do you?

Finn- No not a thing! Please tell me!

Rebeca- Oh.. Okay.. well Zachry was with you guys.. We all wen tot go get lunch and Tyler was being rude. He punched Zachry and then you fought him.

Finn- Zachry.. Where is he? Is he okay?

Rebeca- Ya he is fine. He left because he didn't't want to see you. He is mad at you. I would say stay far away from him, for a long time. He isn't't good for you, Finn. Please trust me on this one.

Finn- Mom! He is my bestfriend!!! I cant just up and leave him!! He was going to stay with us!!

Rebeca- He said he didn't't want to. He said he didn't't want to see you ever again.

     WHAT?!?!?!?! No no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!! He wouldn't't say that! He would never say that!!! But my mom wouldn't't lie to me. I don't know what to do..

Finn- Get out. Mom please just get out I need time alone. Please get out.

Rebeca- Okay, remember that I love you.

Finn- Ya I love you too....

   I feel like someone is watching me. the shower isn't't on anymore. What if it wasn't't even on to begin with? Maybe I'm going crazy. I just ignore it and I think. I think about everything trying to remember it. I can move my hand now. I put it over my face trying to feel any damage. I know I have a massive cut by my eyebrow, my eye is swollen and I have a busted lip. Something must have really happened.. I cant seem to remember. So I just fall asleep..

                                                                     1 Hour later

   I feel something on my chest. I don't know what it is or who it is. I open my eye and see Zachry. He is crying. I cant move. I look down and he is on me. He is sitting on me. One hand is on my chest and the other is on my face.

Finn- What are you doing?

Zachry- don't talk. Just shut up. you don't remember anything do you?

Finn- No I don't I-I'm so-

Zachry- don't apologize. You didn't't do anything. It was me, I'm sorry this happened to you.

   He kissed my forehead, my eye, and then he kissed my lips.  I didn't't know what to do so I kissed back. Maybe a little harder than normal because he stopped and stared at me with horrid eyes. He started crying again. He got off of me and walked to the door.

Finn- HEY! Where are you going? Don't leave!!

Zachry- SShhhh Baby don't talk. I'm leaving. I heard what your mom said about me. Its okay. Just forget this ever happened.

 Just like that he was gone. Out of my reach. Forever....

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