Echo Delmar & Lyric Marie Crimson

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  Echo Delmar

        Hey!! I am Echo Delmar I am 15 years old and I am just well... Awkward. I am straighter than the pole your mother dances on! Haha, I have a boyfriend ♥, Isaac,  we have been together for almost 19 months!! He hates Cody which really sucks because Cody is my best friend. He has helped me through so much in my life, more than anyone. Lyric is my best friend!! She is just absolutely amazing! We have known each other since i started middle school. I moved to this city in 6th grade. Lyric and I were neighbors. She got held back in 1st grade because of her parents.. I got bullied really badly and Lyric Helped me soo much and we kind of just clicked. :) I LOVE ROCK!!!! It is my world!!! ♥ ♥ anyways thats it, BYE!!

  Lyric Marie Crimson.

Hey, Im Lyric Marie. I of course I am 16 years old ^.^

I am special in a lot of ways. I am a sophmore but i can drive! :) I LOVE BATMAN!!!

I am falling for Josh Fantana.:)  We have been friends for as long as Cody has lived with him. At first I HATED him, why? Well he was a total asshole to me and used me. He just wanted my body. My best friend is Echo Delmar. We have almost ALL the same classes in school, only I am in band and she is in Chior. We are going to start a band with our friends Harmony and Faith. Music has influenced our lives in so many ways. I have had some issues but with the right medicine and friends i am getting over them! :) I am single :( Hopefully not for long! I am a freak and i am proud!! :) Well If you want to know more just ask!! :) Bye Bye!!

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