Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Cody's P.O.V.

We have been at the hospital for about 2 hours when a nurse comes in crying and asks for Finn. Finn goes and you can tell he recognizes her. He takes her out of the room in front of the window so we can all see them. She is talking and talking and talking and then Finn starts crying and he hugs her. He looks at me and tells me to come over to him, So i do.

Finn- Cody, this is the nurse who helped Zachry and I out.

Me- Hello, it's nice to mee-

Before i could even finish my sentence she is hugging me. It feels nice.

Her- Sorry, My name is Miss Angie. I was a close friend of Zachry's parents. I can't believe he is dead..

I forgot about Zachry's parents... I forgot about his family.. I only thought about him and Finn.

Miss Angie- I am sending both of you to the Asylum.

Finn and I- WHAT???

Miss Angie- Yes, No if ands or buts about it. Once Cody's brother is out of surgery and home you guys will have an hour and then you are leaving. I have to go know but he will be out soon.

Finn and I just stare at each other in disbelief. We go back to Lyric and Echo.

Echo- What happened?

Me- Um.. Finn and I are going to the Asylum in a few hours...

Both of them just about cry.

Lyric- We can't take care of Josh the whole time... Echo and I have school..

Me- please.. Lyric, We all know how much you love Josh.. This could be you're chance.

Echo- Oooooooooo Lyric, you better do it! But what do i get for helping you?

Me- Well, what do you want?

Echo- A date. With you.

I am so lost.. She has a boyfriend. I look at Lyric and i can tell she is surprised too. Finn is smiling.

Me- What about Isaac? You know, Your boyfriend.

Echo- Oh calm down, It's like we are going to do anything.

Me- Okay :) I can feel my cheeks getting warm.

We all watch spongebob on the TV for about 2 hours and then Miss Angie comes out and says Josh can go home. Lyric drives the car around to the pick up because one, Josh is still asleep and Two, He can't walk. Finn, Me, and the nurses all help put Josh in the car. When we finally get him into the car, Miss. Angie reminds Finn and I that there will be a car outside of MY house in an hour. We drive Finn home and We wait while he grabs his stuff and we can see him and his parents arguing in the window. We can see that his mom is in tears and his dad is pissed. Finn is sitting down with his head down. We see him put his head up as his dad yells something and his dad punches him square in the face. I am half tempted to go in there and grab Finn. After Finn's dad punches him, Finn stands up and slaps his dad and then runs out of the house with tears pouring down his face. He jumps into the car and tells us to drive.

Lyric- What the hell happened in there?

Finn- I got into a small fight with my parents. I can't stay there ever again.

Josh- You can stay with us.

All of us except Josh- JOSH!! YOU'RE AWAKE!!

Josh- yep. I heard everything. Go Echo. Lyric, I like you.. A lot.

Echo is giggling and Lyric is smiling and blushing like an idiot.

Josh- Lyric, Will you be my girlfriend?

Lyric- Yes yes yes!! ♥ ♥

We all cheer and clap! All of a sudden I feel pressure on my lips. I open my eyes and it's Finn. Everyone is surprised.. I am too, but i kiss back. He backs away and smiles.

Echo- Holy shit..

Me- I know right.

We arrive at my house and we all help carry Josh to his room, once he is in there he wants to be alone with Lyric. I think we all know what happened...

I check the time, Finn and i only have 15 minutes. I grab 8 pairs of clothes and my lucky converses. I pack my beanie and my diary. I think i am all alone but Echo is in my room.

Echo- So you're really going, aren't't you?

Me- Yep.. I promise i will have you a date when i get back.

Echo- Listen you don't have to I-

I cut her off with a kiss. He wasn't't expecting that but i know she liked it. She got into it. Her hands went under my shirt and scratched my chest. She pushed me onto my bed and she took off her shirt and mine. She started kissing my torso. I started kissing hers. This is perfect. It feels wrong though. I don't want to stop. Her hands go down to my pants and she unbuttons them. I tell her if we are going to do this i am keeping my boxers on, she agreed and said undergarments had to stay on. Her hands roamed my bottom half. It felt amazing. I undid her bra, i stopped myself and told myself no. I didn't't listen. I kissed all over her and soon enough we lost our innocence to each other. It was amazing. I wouldn't trade it in for anything, well......

I hear a knock on my door.

Me- Who is it?

Echo is giggling and tracing my abs with her soft finger.

Finn- Its me, Finn, It's time to go.

Shit i forgot.

Me- Okay i will be out in a minute.

Echo- Baby, do you really have to leave?

Me- Yes, i will be back in a week or so In that time take care of my brother, Lyric and yourself. I love you Echo.

Echo- I love you too. I promise i will.

I nod and put on my clothes, she puts on hers and brushes her hair. We walk out I give her a kiss, i hug Lyric and i hug Josh. Echo told lyric already and Lyric is blushing. Finn looks at me concerned.

Finn- You alright man?

Me- Yep, I'm perfect! :)

Finn- Whatever. Are you ready to go?

Me- Ready as ever.

before we get into the car Finn makes me promise that i will always be there for him, then after i promise he kisses me. We get into the car and we head off to the crazy house.

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