Chapter 13

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                                                                                        Cody's P.O.V

        "Get the hell off of me!" I screamed at Tyler trying to push him off of me.

    "No! You and your gay cousin will pay for what he did to me." He said with an evil chuckle.

"I think we have been through enough!!" I said crying.

"What the hell do you mean?" He said starring at the tears streaming down my face.

"I mean that's why I am here? Why else wouldn't I be here?" I yelled at him.

"Why are you here?" He asked softly.

"Zachry committed suicide. They thought Finn and I were doing to do something so they sent us here" I said now balling, he just stared at me in disbelief. I saw his eyes water. He slowly got off of me and brought his knees to his chest.

"W-Why would he do that?" He asked, now he was crying.

"I don't know, maybe because YOU beat him up. YOU made his ruined life even worse! It's all your fault he is dead!!" I yelled at him. Right after the words escaped my mouth I wish I had never said them. He looked at me with the saddest and wettest eyes ever.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.."  He kept repeating it, and then he looked at me and said "I loved him" With that he got up and ran out of the room. "Shit" I said to myself. I started thinking, then if Tyler loved Zachry why would he beat him up everyday? Why would he call him names? Why would he have done a lot of stuff he did? I knew I was probably never going to get the answers out of him if I didn't force them out. I need to see him and talk, but before I see Tyler I need to see Finn.

I start running down the hallway yelling Finn's name and then I run into the most beautiful guy I have ever seen.

"I'm SOOO SOOOO SOOOO SORRY!!" I tell him " I wasn't looking or being careful, I shouldn't have been running, I re-"

"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm fine and well.. You're not hurt physically." He said with a small smile. "I'm Keegan" He said shyly.

"I'm Cody. I'm new here." I said looking down. "I figured" He said with a smile that made me blush. "You going somewhere and who is this Finn guy?" He asks "Oh yeah, I'm looking for my friend Finn He came with me here and I don't know where his room is." "Oh, how old is he?" "he is 14, like me" "and me" He said with a smile. That smile is fucking adorable. "so can you help me?" I say "I don't know, can you help me?" He said giving me a wink. Dammit. No I am not falling for it! "Oh, you. I have to find Finn and quick. I got to go." I said as I ran down the hallway. I asked Amber where he was and she told me where his room was. He was close to mine :) Yay! I went to his room and knocked on the door, some very attractive guy opened the door shirtless. "Um... Is Finn here?" I ask, what is up with all these attractive guys here?? GAHH. "Ya he is, come on in." He said opening the door for me. "He is in he bathroom taking a shower, take a seat." He told me.

I sat on Finn's bed and he sat on his bed. "I'm Daniel By the way." He said with a charming smile. "I'm Cody." I say looking down. "SO YOU'RE CODY?!?! FINN TALKS ABOUT YOU!! YOU ARE EVEN CUTER THAN HE SAID YOU WERE!!" he tells me blushing, and soon I feel my cheeks get warm too. "Um.. Thanks I guess" I say. "Anytime sunshine! :)" He winked at me. 

We hear the shower turn off and Finn comes in with a towel rapped around his waist frowning. When he sees me he smiles so big I think his face is going to fall off. "CODY!!" He yells running up to me hugging me and he kisses my whole face. I blush and kiss him back. We do this for about four minutes until we hear Daniel clear his throat. "Oh.. Daniel hey!" Finn says "Um.. should I leave?" Daniel asks "No" I say. "I have someone for you!" I say running out of the room and grabbing Keegan by the wrist and dragging him to meet Daniel. "What the hell are you doing Cody?" Keegan asks as we stand outside Finn's door.

"You're gay right?" I ask "I'm Bisexual thank you very much." He says winking at me. "Okay whatever, I have someone for you! Just be nice" "Okay, I promise" Keegan said honestly. I took him into the room and Daniels jaw dropped. I looked at Keegan and he had googily eyes for Daniel. "Holy shit. They are perfect for each other!" Finn tells me and smiles. He grabs my hand as drags me out of the room and we run down the hallway holding hands but we trip over something. We look back and it's Tyler laying on the ground, knocked out...

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