3 Nights At The Institute

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|Night One|

"Jackson Pollock" I said to Simon. We were talking about our favorite paintings at the Museum of Modern Art. My favorite was the one by Pollock.

"You know, someone's favorite painting says a lot about a person" Simon commented. We were lounging in the Institute's main room. I am happy that Simon still talked to me. After everyone found out about Jonathan, Jace only talked to me on occasion, and Izzy won't even look at me.

"Really? What does mine say about me?" I asked him

"Well, it depends on why you like it so much"

I remember the day first time I saw it. It was when I still went to a Mundane school. We took a trip to the MoMA. I was on a mission, to find the one. You see, everyone needs to have that one thing that when they lay their eyes upon it, they were sure. So you look around for a bit and the suddenly it feels like all the air is being sucked out of the room. Then, your heart does this thing where it skips a beat. And everything so goes silent. Of course, your vision gets all blurry but the only thing that you still can see clearly was your the one. Why did I like it so much? I wonder, why did I pick that one? It was nothing but a canvas with splatter of green, white, and black. But there was something about it. It screamed chaos. It was nothing but perfect.

But I simply said, "I don't know, Simon"

"It's okay. I don't need to analyze a painting to tell me what I already know"

"Which is?"

"You're weird, you're funny, you're stubborn, you're freaking amazing! You may not make the right choices sometimes, but that's okay!" Simon said and I laughed I didn't know what was going on—oh my god! I think I know what's going on.

"Is this an intervention?"

"No! Maybe. Yes. Look, sooner or later Jace will get hold of the Clave and tell them about...um...the one who shall not be named"

"He isn't Voldemort!"

"What I mean is that we all know what the Clave will do to him" of course I knew! It will be so great if people stopped reminding me!


"Find that behemoth and hide him! Clary is here!" Jace ran in screaming. I quickly got up and went to see where Jonathan was. Jonathan was a touchy subject for everyone, especially Clary. I don't know what she will do if she found him. I ran past the kitchen and Mabelle was standing there eating cheese, fake American cheese. Damn, I thought, what was wrong with her? The girl doesn't even touch anything not gourmet, let alone eat cheese out of a wrapper. It could have been worse, she could have been eating cheese out a can.

"You know where Jonathan is?" I asked her

"I am sick and tired of people asking me where Jonathan is! You say Jonathan, Jace says Sebastian, you know how long it took me to figure out they are the same FREAKING person! Why do people just automatically assume I know where he is? Do I look like his assistance?—This cheese is horrible!" Wow! so she was clearly not okay. But I don't have time for her right now, I had to find Jonathan.

"I will take that as a no" I left her alone in that kitchen with her cheese. I wonder what was wrong with her? But then what wasn't! I decided to check his room first, he barely got out unless he was with me. His room was by Jace and Simon's and on the other side of the Institute, far way from mine. I knocked on the door.

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