Chapter 16

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Anonymous POV

I luged myself into camp very impatient to see this stupid witch. She has kept me waiting for months for her magic, but i dont want to piss her off she is powerful plus wolves and witches have terrible bonds. i walked through the arch of trees to see her there one of the most powerful witches in the world, Devoni.

"Hello there Benjamin."

"Hello...... Sis."

Emma's POV

"I wonder what it is a boy a girl i wonder mabey i have twins or triplets mabey even quads or-"

"Nina shut up before I shut you up myself." I growled glaring at Nina hopeing my stare will burn a hole in her head "but!"

"No buts Nina!" I finalized before the doctor walked in ,said somethings i didnt really understand, and then put blue gel on Ninas stomach "ok you would like to know the gender right?" Nina thought for awhile making wierd facial expressions before sating yes. The doctor smiled and said "its a girl." Ninas face lit up "yes! I knew it!" we laughed as Nina watched the screen in awe.

~~~~~~ time skip by Seth "gmmie my Nutella b**ch!"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I strolled into Killians office to see him passed out in his chair with his head on his desk with a bit of drool on the cornner of his mouth. I giggled lightly and walked towards him running my hand through his hair to wake him up. He smiled with his eyes still closed and sudenly leaned back in his chair and pulled me on to his lap with his eyes still closed "how was the docters with Nina go?" he asked his head tucked in the side of my neck. "It was great but I am going to kill that beta of yours." Killian laughed "and why is that love?" humour laced in his words "because he was watching training insted of being with his mate!" he smiled while rubing my back "well in that case go right ahead he needs to be taked down a couple of pegs." I smiled evily as Killian laughed picking me up bridal style and taking me outside. "What are we doing out here?" I questiond as I was set down "we are going on a walk." he said with a smirk. What is the smirk for? "Where to?"

"Its a suprise." oh thats what the smirk was for. damit! " Killiiiiiannnn." I whined. He just chuckled and keept walking "why dose he have to be so stuborn?" Eva asked "i have no idea" I responded trudging behind Killian throwing out random places we could be going.

We walked for about 3 minuets untill we got to a clearing with a waterfall falling into a pond leading into a river, with a nice open feild. My mouth droped open "love close your mouth you'll catch flies." Killian said chuckling. I glared at him while shoving his shoulder "do you like it love?"he asked I nodded quickly before running to the pond looking a the fish swiming in the clear water like a little kid. Killian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me "what do you think about us building a house here." I quickly gave him all my attention "for us?" he smiled and gave me a small kiss "yes love for us." he said in response. I smiled and attacked his face with kisses while he just chuckled. This moment was prefect.

"Ok love now lets get you to that appointment."  he said standing up " but its not untill tomorrow." I said confused he just smiled "not anymore."

At the doctors office (Dr. Mike ThompsonPOV)

"Ok everything seams in order." I told my alpha and luna "before you say anything about the gender Mike me and Emma dicided its best to keep it unknown for a while." alpha said holding luna colse as she nodded "of course alpha." I said printing the paperwork out "and can you write down on a piece of paper the gender and give it to Nina?" luna asked her kind eyes full of hope "of course luna." I said as she started to clean up the gell on her belly before they left not wating to get the ultrasound pictures untill Nina revealed the gender . I grabed my black calligraphy pen and black ink before writing down on a pen and wrote down on a pice of paper

Its a .....

Benjamin's POV

There she stood Devoni, my sister, the second most powerful witch ever, and she probably still hates my guts. Her short black hair was let lose into the naturally straight hair that we both shared and her gray eyes burned into my identical ones; I gulped trying not to show how nervous I was "ok Benjamin why the hell am I here?" she asked trying to get straight to the point "I want you to help me take down an alpha." I said trying to make my voice sound even more threating. She turned to me "now why would I do that considering what you took from me, I happen to be friends with many alphas since our little incident." she dranged on. She walked around me in a her combat boots hiting the ground softly "so tell me Benjamin why. Should. I. Help. You?" she was now in front of me her tall frame about the same hight as mine, she stared at me waiting for an answer which I didnt want to give "because I didn't actually kill him." suddenly I was thrown against at tree by a powerful force and Devoni was right infront of mine "what fid you say?" I could tell by the voice that she was pissed but so was I. I smirked evilly "I said I didnt actually kill him, I wanted to with a burning passion but I knew I would one day need leverage against you so I keept him alive.... Barely he is still knocked out from wolfsbaine bu-" I was cut off by a hard smack to my face "tell me where he is." "oh dear sister you won't get it out of me that easy in order to get what you want you have to give me what I want. And don't even try to do something to me because I am the only one that knows where he is and no one else. So whats it going to be dear sister?" I whisperd the last part in her ear and pulled away. Her face held pure rage but her eyes held nothing but sorrow and longing for him. She looked up to look me in the eyes "what do I need to do?" she said, but I could tell the pain in saying those words she doesn't like to hurt people,  not like I care though I now had her on my side. If my plan works out I will finally avenge mate.

I am so sorry it took me forever to update but I need more motivation to write this book because I feal like people dont like it that might be just my thoughts but anyway coment and vote so I know to keep going ok bye loves💗❤

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