Chapter 17

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^imagine they both have steel gray eyes
The votes have been tallied for the gender or genders who knows its all in this chapter hehehe.


Elaric's POV

My pice of shit sister got away thanks to that stupid alpha well im not going to let them get away with it im going to do something that will crush both of them from the inside; im going to take her innocence an- "what no were not haven't you've done enough to that poor girl! And we found our mate and I want his wolf!" Anger started to build up inside me as my wolf talked to me "I dont care what you want! I rejected him remember! That pice of shit is not going to get away with this! And as for that little boy who thinks he is my mate can go die in a hole because I am NOT gay!" I yelled at my wolf. But my stupid wolf being the hard headed ass hole he is "you rejected him I didn't and that is what is keeping the bond between him and me alive! Elaric I thought you would be done with all this nonsense with your poor sister being the reason for your parents death once you found our mate but your just and idiot who needs to get over himself." he argued before retreating to the back of my head. Stupid wolf dosent know anything he was not my mate there was no way.

Knock knock

"Alpha." a voice asid with anger and hope. I turned to my supposed "mate" at my door way "what do you want I rejected you." I said to him "I know but-" I cut him off "no buts you little tramp! LEAVE!" I yelled "fine but ill be hear always fo-" I cut him off again "LEAVE!" he sighed and scampwrd away to do who the hell knows what ugh he bugs me, acts like he knows me and my wolf thinking he knows whats best ugh idiots.


2 weeks later Emma is now eight weeks pregnant

Nina's POV

"No! Zachary Taylor Betts don't you dare pull that streamer!" I scolded my 6 month old as he looked at me reaching up to the streamer pulling it down. I groaned in frustration as Lance and Juli laughed but quickly stopped when I turned around and gave them the look "oh you think thats funny?" I asked them as they looked at each other like im about to kill them, which I wouldn't. Not yet anyway " Juli you are grounded from Nutella, lizards, and you have to have a full conversation with your mate without yelling at him." Juliana looked terrified of this "NO NO NO! I refuse!" I walked over to her slowly "will because I know a cell which would be a really good place to put you and Garth together." her eyes widend and she sook her head and muterd "ok." as Lance laughed " what are you laughing anout there buddy?" he stoped "oh no I dont get a punishment for this!" i smirked "oh yes you do and your punishment is you have to change Zacks diper 101 times." "what no no no he eats practicality everything now you know how bad that is going to be?" I smirked "yes I do because I change him, oh and one more thing I forgot to metion everyday you dont get this is another day that Juliana has to have conversations with Garth and has no Nutella to eat or lizards to play with."  "that's going to take forever!" they shouted "well you better get started." I said handing Lance our son as him and Juli marched off. I laughed and started puting the streamers back up on the trees.

Author's POV

Emma and Killian woke up to Seth yelling "rise and shine my lovleys today is the gender reveal party!!!!" Seth's voice was high and preppy making Emma groan "Seth it is fucking 5 in the morning and you just woke up a pregnant lady." she said buring her head in Killians chest. Killian chuckled " I would run if I were you bro." Seth nodded and and ran but saying one more thing "it starts in an hour tick tock." tapping at his wrist before leaving. Emma whined and protested about getting up until Killian lifted he out of the bed and to the couch siting her down gently. "Killiiiiaannnnn." Emma whined. Killan chuckled  " you heard Seth love 'in an hour tick tock'" he said going to the bathroom as Emma stood to go get clothes.

1 hour later

Emma and Killian walked hand in hand down the sairs, well Emma more waddled. As they got to the door Seth greeted them "lets go my lovlies! Its a clear morning but one of the elders said a storms is coming so lets go!" he said as Emma and Killian quickly followed.

At baby shower

Pink, blue, and yellow streamers hung across the top area of the trees with tables below them Emma was confused as to why some ribbons were yellow but just figured Nina wanted to add some color but she didnt have time to think about it before her and Killian were draged to a open area with a big black bloon "so everyone this is how the gender is going to be reviled! So Luna is going to pop the bloon that the Alpha is holding and inside is the color of confetti of the corresponding gender ok!" Nina said to the part of the pack that was gatherd and handed Emma and Killian the neddle and bloon while steping into the crowd. Emma and Killian smiled and got ready to pop the bloon as members of thw pack got camras ready. Emma quickly brought the neddle up to the bloon poping it sending bright blue confetti over her and Killian and the pack cheered. Nina made her way back to Emma and Killian and whistled "ok we all are very excited about this new baby boy but what about another baby?" she said as Rose brought out another bloon. Everyone gasped and Emma and Killian's jaws droped but were quickly replaced with smiles. So once again Emma quickly poped the bloon and this time shiney blue confetti fell over them. Killian and Emma cried out with joy as did the pack but this joy only lasted a few minutes when sudebly in the trees Benjamin had Devoni cast a spell. Emmas belly grew to the size at full term and her water broke. Panic filled everyone at what just happened but then quickly focused on getting Emma to the pack doctor.

Killian quickly ran Emma to the pack doctor and Emma went into full on labor. "Ahhhhh you asshole-son-of-a-bich you did this to me you dickhead!" Emma yelled at Killian while turning his hand blue "push!" the docter shouted as Emma pushed. Not long after the first push baby number one came and was put in Killian's arms crying. For two minuets utill his brother came out next. They were both taken to see if the vitals were normal considering what happend.

Killian turned back around to see Emma gone from her bed like she disappeared into thin air. Killian looked around frantically hoping she just fell out of bed or something but she was gone.

I am the queen of late late update and clifhangers💕

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