Chapter 2

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The SGTS - The School of the Gifted, Talented and Supernatural.

My name is Abigail Holmes. I'm fourteen years old. When I was born, the SGTS sent an agent to the house in which Irene Adler, my mother, lived. She gave birth to me alone - my father, Sherlock Holmes, didn't know I existed. Literally ten minutes after I was born, the agent had explained to Irene what the SGTS was, and why they needed the recruits they took.

And, of course, the agent took me up to the SGTS.

The SGTS was a ship that floated somewhere in outer space. Nobody knew where. It was like a floating bubble - unlimited air, gravity, everything we needed. Food and water sort of... Appeared, I guess. Nobody actually knew where it came from.

It was just there.

Like the ship.

None of us knew who had built it, or how, but we knew that it was undetectable. There must have been force fields, rays to conceal the location and redirect any probing waves that came, looking for life or ships. Invisibility rays or camouflage if some kind. But, nobody knew how the creator had gotten ahold of the technology. He even had Time Lord equipment to build some of the rooms, like the ST room.

The aim of the SGTS was to recruit humans and aliens alike to train until they were eighteen, preparing for wars, or to be recruited by agencies like the CIA or MI6.

Yeah - this was basically Spy School.

Or an Army Recruit Service.

I was a Human, as were all of the other people in my class. Daisy was human, born to Amy and Rory Williams, who were also human beings, but time travellers - they had travelled with a Time Lord who called himself the Doctor.

We were never allowed to leave the SGTS. We were floating around, somewhere in space - quite literally in the middle of nowhere - so where would we go? The only faces that anybody aboard the SGTS had ever seen were the faces of their parents, and maybe a midwife, and we wouldn't remember them, as we had only seen them for moments after we were born, before we were brought here, and then, the faces of the instructors and teachers, and those of the other students at the SGTS in your class.

We never found out how many classes there were at the SGTS, I just know that there were a lot. Mine was made from twenty people - the classes usually had between ten and fifty students. We all trained, ate and slept in different parts of the ship, and never had a chance to see or communicate with any of the other classes. The classes were split up by race - the twenty in my class were human, and there will have been sections for the CatKind, the Forest of Cheem, the Silurians, Werewolves, The Hath, and goodness knows how many other kinds of species of the millions of different races.

In our section, we had the sleeping rooms - ten rooms of two - and the dining room. There was a staircase from the dining room that lead to a corridor with all of the sleeping rooms in. Then, there was an unused room outside the dining room that lead to the front garden. From there, there were six cube-shaped rooms - a room for ST, History, Weaponry, Leadership and KYE, Combat, Leadership and Fitness. They were just six, small and ordinary-looking rooms, but they were made from a mixture Time-Lord and Stimulatory/Shape-Shifting rooms, meaning that the rooms were bigger - infinitely bigger - on the inside, and the inside was controlled by computers, meaning the instructors and teachers could change the way they looked on the inside - different Stimulatory chambers, building walls etc. - using computers.

After we were brought aboard, we had three years to learn how to walk and talk. Then, we had another three years to learn to read and write. From age six to age eight, we focused on learning the History of... Well, everything. Also, we did a lot of fitness training and we had to learn the theory behind the different types of training we would receive, and later, began drawing out plans to attack the enemy in make-believe situations, and learnt about formations and commands. Then, from age nine, we started the training in the subjects we did now, the training level and complexity increasing as we got older.

We were being watched, throughout our training. MI6 and CIA, as I already mentioned, plus Army recruiters, not just from earth. After we turned eighteen, we would return to our planets and wait for something to happen.

If anyone wanted you to work for them, of course.

We all signed confidentiality agreements, which stated that if we told anyone of the SGTS, or of what happened there, we would be sentenced to death.

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