Chapter 21

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Ignoring Daisy calling me back, telling me to be careful, I descended the staircase.

'Abi!' She wailed as she followed me. 'You idiot! Shouldn't we make sure it's safe first?' She was always so... safe.

'Nope,' I replied simply, and continued down the staircase.

The atmosphere turned colder and colder with every step we took. A cage of inescapable darkness enclosed us.

Suddenly, when I went to step down the stairs, I stumbled as the ground leveled out. Daisy did the same. As soon as her right foot lifted from the staircase, a light appeared quickly, giving us no time to blink as our eyes adjusted before it disappeared again, just as suddenly.

The brief illumination of the room was all I had needed. A few moments later, it flashed on again, white blinding my eyes and burning my thoughts. This time, the light stayed on, so Daisy and I blinked rapidly as our eyes adjusted, me building a mental image of the room with every fraction of a second that my eyes were open for.

Once my eyes had adjusted, I looked around the room as a whole. It was rather plain - the walls, ceiling and floor were bare, clear, flawless white like the marble staircase. The floors were hard wood, and the walls were stone, painted white. No wonder it was so cold.

The ceiling was very high, I couldn't distinguish it very well. I couldn't see the light source, either. The ceiling would probably be the same as the staircase - if you were to scale the walls. The moment you think that it will go on forever, it stops.

Of course, my attention was immediately grasped by the design and structure of the room, whilst Daisy gaped at a huge, highly advanced-looking machine.

In front of us stood a grand computer. That was all it appeared to be. But the screen was the length of the wall and rose about twenty feet in height. Wires extended from the top, sides and bottom, snaking around each other along the walls and flowing across the floor. Some wires were thicker than others, and the length differentiated with each one.

The screen was blank and white. There was a flashing light on a button at the side of the enormous screen - so, completely ignoring the complaints and worries of my best friend, who stood behind me, I pressed it.

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