Chapter 19

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We were hiding in the top of a tree, ducking down beneath the leaves to avoid being seen. The kids in the park were climbing around on the equipment, saying exactly the same as they had been the last time we were here. We focused on a pair of boys, who were considering coming over here, to climb the trees that we hid in.

'Come on!'' The taller of the two stalked over to the trees, and the shorter one followed reluctantly. They were brothers, I realized.

I hated violence. Fighting in hand-to-hand combat was my weakness. i could fire a gun with good aim - we had all been taught how to - so if I ever had to shoot, I'd aim for the leg or the arm, to injure my opponent, but hopefully not fatally. Then, I'd pray that they didn't die from blood loss, but if they had any sense they'd realize that I didn't want to kill them, and if they wasted time trying to shoot me, they'd probably die, too.

But, these people weren't actually people. They were computer images, designed to look like people. So we wouldn't be harming anybody by doing this.

As soon as they walked past us, myself and Daisy dropped silently from the tree, landing in a cat-like stance. Then, we launched ourselves forwards, simultaneously knocking the two boys over. We pinned them to the ground, using the element of surprise to our advantage. Quickly, I snagged the amulet from around the taller boy's neck. But, Daisy would make a terrible thief or pickpocket - her hands fumbled with the clasp, and, in the time it took me to clasp the amulet around my neck - only abut a second - the boy had flipped around, pinning Daisy the floor instead.

He was still wearing the amulet.

I leaped away from the older boy, and tried to pull the younger one away from Daisy. 'What're you doing?' I said. We'd be better off pretending it was him attacking her, not the other way around. 'Get off my friend!' The older boy had come to help now.

The younger boy relaxed, and we pried him off of Daisy, who stood up. 'You attacked us!' Gasped the younger brother.'

'No, we didn't!' I said. Daisy and I had come to a non-verbal agreement that I would do the talking here. 'We fell out of that tree! We shouted, look out, but you must have not heard us, or something.' Our clothes were crumpled and our hair was disheveled enough to back up my story.

'Oh,' said the boy after a few moments of eyeing us up and down to see if this was true or not. He had decided it was. 'I apologize.'

'Don't worry, it's fine,' said Daisy quickly. 'Well, we'd better go...' She trailed off.

'Yeah. Bye,' and we walked away.

'Abi! Run!' Said Daisy, tugging at my sleeve.


'If anyone sees us, they'll go all zombie-mode again.'

I could just tell her that, when I was pulling the boy away, I had taken the amulet from around his neck. But, as I was wearing one - and I was actually slightly surprised that I hadn't turned into a brainwashed 'zombie' - I thought it was too good an opportunity to miss.

I looked into her eyes, and then let my gaze slowly travel to her neck. Then, I looked up again, looking into her eyes with a cold, piercing gaze that caused her to look down.

'What're you doing?' She gasped, her voice barely above a whisper.

I took a step towards her.

She turned and ran.

I followed her silently, whilst her fee echoed loudly as they hit the ground. She ran towards the Church - why did she automatically think, 'Church' as she ran off? She ran in, and bolted the door behind her. I purposefully let her lock me out. Then, I knew she would go to the window. So, I looked around confusedly, and went up to the window. I could just see Daisy's eyes peering over the ledge.

'Daisy? Daisy, let me in!'

'No, you'll attack me!'

A smile broke onto my face, and I burst out laughing.

Daisy looked confused, but then, realization hit her.

'You bitch!'

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