Chapter 8

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'God, what just happened?' Said Daisy as she stood up.

'No clue,' I said, standing up, too.

'That was just a dream...' Daisy muttered.

'Why did we just pass out randomly, in the middle of a KYE lesson?' I said.

'No clue.' Was Daisy's simple reply.

'Anyway,' I said. 'Better get back to meeting the people.'


We went up to the next house along from Annalise's. A man and a woman, both of whom looked as though they were in their thirties, answered.

'Hi! I'm Abi, and this is Daisy. We're knew here, just coming around to introduce ourselves to the neighbours.'

'Why, hello. I'm Summer, and this Paul.' Replied the woman.

'Well, it's nice to meet you.' Said Daisy.

'You, too!' Said Paul, before Daisy and I turned to leave.

'Why are they all so... Ordinary?' I said, after we had acquainted ourselves with everyone who was in their house. Of course, it wasn't everyone - some people were out.

'No clue.' Said Daisy.

'Well, we'd better start to get to know the area.' I muttered, and Daisy agreed.

We found the Church, the Cemetery, the Park, the School...

This looked like a perfectly normal village.

'We just have to remember... None of this is real. It a stimulation chamber.' Said Daisy, and I nodded. We were standing in the park.

'Or is it?' We heard a mans voice coming from behind us.

We turned around and saw someone with whom we had not met yet. He was looking at us intently, with eyes that told us that he knew something we didn't.

'Im sorry?' I said.

'Sit down,' he indicated to a park bench.

'Okay...' Said Daisy uncertainly.

We did as the man had said to, but we didn't get the response we had expected (an attack, or maybe some sort of mind game...)

'And... Sleep.'

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