Chapter 3

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I'm surprised they didn't kick me out of Leadership and KYE today.

As part of KYE, we were practising logical thinking and reasoning.

Deducing things.

I thought they would have learnt by now...

'You need to pay attention to detail, but never lose sight of the bigger picture.' Said Miss. None of the teachers or instructors had names - it was just 'Sir' or 'Miss'. 'Make sure the statements you make are backed up by evidence. If you make a false statement, you really can get into a lot of trouble.'

'How are we supposed to practise that?' Asked one of the girls.

'Well, tomorrow, we're going to be using the stimulatory chambers to create a crime scene,a no you will need to identify the killer from six suspects.'

'Why bother?' I asked.

'Excuse me?' Replied Miss.

I stood up. 'You broke your wrist half a year ago, and you still have problems with it. It was your right wrist - your dominant hand - and therefore had to learn to write with your left. You can, but it's uncomfortable, so you frequently switch between the two, using your right hand until it hurts, and then switching. The only expensive clothes you own are the ones you are wearing, you've re-hemmed that skirt twice yourself, and sewn buttons onto that jacket three times. You iron the collar flat every day, after washing and drying it thoroughly. You own another top, but it doesn't matter to you, they're pretty much exactly the same. You have a track suit that you rarely wear - sport is not your area of expertise. In fact, you have never been at any of the Fitness classes or assessments. Don't look so surprised - I've made some perfectly good deductions before, in that one logic class we've had. You refrain from talking about deductions and logic because you're worried that I'll be able to go deeper. Well, I could, with ease, but I won't - it's hardly appropriate for me to say, is it? Do you still think we need a stimulator to do deductions? I think there are plenty to be made in this room alone.'

Miss looked completely shocked, and stood there, unspeaking, for a few moments before finally regaining her composure.

'Ms Holmes! whilst your deductive skills are very much okay, there is always room for development.'

'Would you like me to go into detail about what you were doing last night? Or, rather, who?' I asked skeptically.

'I simply do not know what you are talking about.'

Well, then, should I explain?'

'Sit down, Ms Holmes.'

I sat. 'I already said, the only clothes you really ever wear -'

'Ms Holmes.'

'Are the ones you're wearing now, you may want to wash them next time, before you wear them again -'

'Ms Holmes.'

'They still stink of men's deodorant.'

Miss went very red, but continued blubbering on about how you need to look at the whole picture and include small details, blah blah blah.

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