Chapter 6

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We were about to enter the Stimulation chamber for our KYE lesson.

When we entered the chamber, the class would be split up. Myself and Daisy would be in a separate room to the rest of the class, who were also split up into pairs. Inside the rooms, there were people who were trying to kill us.

Yes, you read that right.

We would have to run around a room that looked a lot like a planet in itself - in fact, it was made to look like a countryside village on Earth.

'Well, who would want to kill us here?' Asked Daisy, looking around.

It was very realistic.

We could even feel the heat from the 'sun', feel the 'wind' blowing gently against our faces as we looked around.

From where we were, we could see a row of houses.

'Well, let's go see!' I said simply, and ran up to one of the houses and knocked on the door, ignoring Daisy, who was calling out that I probably shouldn't be doing that, as the resident may well want to murder us.

'This is all stimulation, though, we won't really die.' I called back.

'God help us.' Daisy muttered, and ran up to stand beside me.

When the door opened, a woman who looked about nineteen greeted us. She had long, black hair, very red lips and very dark brown eyes.

She looked like someone from the front cover of a magazine.

'Hi!' She said cheerily. 'I don't believe we have met. I'm Annalise.'

'Abi,' I replied.


'Well, it's nice to meet you two. I haven't seen you around here before - are you new?' She asked happily.

'Umm... I suppose.' I replied uncertainly.

'Well, do you need anything? You must have knocked on my door for a reason, anything I can do for you?'

'Oh, no, we just thought we'd introduce ourselves.' Said Daisy.

'Oh, okay!' Said Annalise cheerily. 'Well, it really was nice meeting you! Would you like to come in?'

'Oh, no thank you, we've got quite a bit to do,' said Daisy. 'Getting to know the area and the people, that sort of stuff.'

'Okay! Well, I hope to see you soon!'

'Bye,' said myself and Daisy simultaneously, and we turned and walked away as Annalise closed the door.

'This is all so strange.' I said as we walked back down the driveway.

'How?' Said Daisy, as we stopped on the street.

'Well, we've been in stimulation chambers so many times before, but we've never been outside. Nothing has ever been so real - the heat of the sun, the breeze. There has never been any people, either, how does a stimulation chamber create people? It doesn't work like that. These people have to be real people... So we must be in a real place...' I trailed off.

'What, so you think we've been teleported here?'

'Course not. This is a KYE lesson. So, I'm assuming we have to figure out who the enemy is... With a whole Village of people...' I yawned.

'Are you... Suddenly... Very... Tired...' Daisy trailed off.

We both collapsed onto the floor.

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