Chapter 13

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'Well, I guess that's our decision made for us!' Exclaimed Daisy as we came to, referring to the fact that the people in the village would surely kill us whilst we were unconscious.

I looked around the SGTS. It was exactly the same as it had been when we left.

'I think I know which one reality is...' I whispered.

'What?' Daisy hadn't heard me.

'Nothing.' I needed to find more proof - but I had an idea. It would make sense, but I needed to prove it. 'No time passes whilst we sleep.'

'Oh.' She hadn't noticed the inconsistency...

'That man...' I ran after the tiny, fading figure whom we could just make out. I heard Daisy's footsteps following me from behind.

He was only walking, so we caught up with him within a few minutes. 'Excuse me?' I called out, and he turned around.


'W were just wondering... Why did you come here?' Daisy was panting next to me, but I ignored her - she would probably talk if she wasn't so out of breath.

'To see the Controller.'

'Why?' I asked.

'I need to speak to him.'

'About what?'

'That's my... business...' His voice turned robotic at the last word.

I glanced to Daisy, who had stopped panting.


I looked her in the eyes, mine saying, run that way.

She rolled her eyes.

But, we had to go.


A blue light, the same colour as his eyes, had appeared on his forehead, and then, it pushed out at the end of a metal rod.

Daisy and I sprinted as quickly as we can to the right, zigzagging around as he - it - was firing blue beams of light at us, which missed us by millimeters.

We ran until we reached a forest that we'd never been in before. Trees surrounded us, mist swirling around in our vision.

The beams of light had stopped appearing around us.

'A... frigging... Dalek...' I gasped before a familiar voice whispered into mine and Felicity's ears, so only we could hear.

We collapsed to the floor.

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