Chapter 24

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There was a blue door, the same colour as the rest of the room, that seemed too small to stand in the middle of such a long, high wall, but it was the same height and width as the door we entered through. Daisy and I walked through it, and were greeted by the sight of the SGTS, looking exactly the way we remembered it.

Not from the dream - from before we entered the stimulation chamber.

The Instructor stood before us, watching the door. 'That was surprisingly fast.' She said, when she saw us come out.

'How long?' I asked.

'Four hours and twenty three minutes.'

'Is that considered fast?' Said Daisy disbelievingly.

'You two were given the hardest circumstances in your stimulation, yet you also managed to complete the training first.' Was all The Instructor said.

'Why did you include the Dream Lord?' I asked.

'Abi, I thought the Dream Lord was just... You.' Said Daisy.

'No, it was all stimulation,' I said.

'It was to test you personally. We wanted to see if you were capable of turning to a bad part of yourself without losing sight of the bigger picture. Also, we wanted to test you to the highest level.' Said The Instructor.

'And, I assume we passed?' I said, smiling mischievously.

'Yes,' said The Instructor. 'Also, would you please explain to me how you managed to destroy your stimulator room?'

'Spoilers,' I said sneakily. The Instructor dropped it - you couldn't win with me.

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