Chapter 9

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'Okay, how did we manage to fall asleep when this is happening?' I gasped as we simultaneously awoke.

'No clue!' Daisy gasped.

'Wait...' Daisy raised her eyebrows questioningly as I spoke. 'What did you just dream about?' I asked her uncertainly.

'Well, we were having a KYE lesson... And we were in a village...'

'And we decided to meet the people...'

'And we met Annalise...'

'And Summer...'

'And Paul...'

'And there was a man...'

'Who said sleep...'

'And we woke up.' I finished.

'But, that's impossible,' Daisy said, her voice barely above a whisper. 'How can we dream the exact same thing at the exact same time?'

'Well, how can a hovercraft land on the roof of the building?'

'How indeed.' Came the voice of the man who had been at the end of our dream.

'How can you be here...' Daisy gasped, but I stayed silent.

He wasn't human - though he looked it.


'Well, you already know, don't you?' He was speaking to me.

'Yes... I do...'

Daisy looked at me questioningly.

'Do you remember that History lesson we had, a while ago. It was about that Time Lord who travelled with your parents.'


'Well, they told us that he had encountered the Dream Lord.'

'Oh, yeah! I remember. So,' she turned to the man - the Dream Lord. 'We have to decide which place is reality? Here, or in the KYE place?'

'Well, that saves me the time of explaining it, gladly.' Replied the Dream Lord. 'Yes. That's exactly what you have to do.'

'Well, that's kind of easy,' said Daisy, rolling her eyes. 'Seeing as the Doctor already did it. They're both fake. Now, we just need to die...'

The Dream Lord laughed slightly, and I rolled my eyes. 'The Doctor's Dream Lord was the darkest part of himself.' I told her.


'This one,' I nodded towards the Dream Lord. 'Is the darkest parts of me.'

'So, what are the darkest parts of you?'

'Logic. Attention to the tiny details. Something I learnt ten years ago and may well have deleted by now.'

'Sounds like you...'

'Some kind of autistic sociopath.'

'Sounds... Sort of like you, I guess...' Daisy seemed unsure.

'Pretty much the way my father is.'


Everybody knew who Sherlock Holmes was - even up here. Because we learnt about him in History and KYE, because he was as good with attention to details as anyone could be. That's where I inherited my capabilities from.

And, of course, my mother was smart, too, which helped. But, she decided to give me the looks of a prostitute.

Like herself.

'And... Sleep.' Said the Dream Lord.

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