Chapter 20

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Daisy let me into the Church, and we left it unbolted behind us. I almost collapsed to the floor laughing.

'That was mean!' She moaned as she watched me double over.

I looked up, still shaking slightly but silently, and my eyes met hers.

And we burst out laughing simultaneously.

Once we had calmed down, which took a while, we sat down in the pews.

'I still don't know what we need to do,' said Daisy, as I handed her the other amulet. She clasped it around her neck.

But I wasn't really listening - I was trying to figure out what we needed to do. 'When the hypnotised people were following us, we ran to the church.'

'So?' Said Daisy, prompting me to say something more.

'Why did we come to the church, of all places? Neither of us are religious, we never knew any faith. But we came here.'

'Well, it's a big, castle-y building with a lot if huge locks. It kept us away from the people,' said Daisy.

'When we were running, there was people closing in on us from all directions. Every road we ran past was blocked, there was at least one person in front if us. Every road except the one that lead here. And, they could've knocked the door down, but the hypnotism seemed to break. They snapped out of it.'

'So?' Said Daisy again. 'Abi - what're you doing?'

I had stood up, and was walking down the aisle and towards the marble alter. When I got there, I walked around to the spot where the priest would preach. 'Is it weird that there are no religious people here, praying at any time?'

'Umm, no?' Said Daisy uncertainly. 'It's probably not a Sunday.'

'People can come to church any day. I think.' I didn't exactly know, as we had never learnt these things, but it would make sense.

'How would you know?' Said Daisy, picking up on the same point, but it wasn't listening. My right hand slid along the alter, underneath a part that jutted out slightly, until I found what I was looking for.

Well, I wasn't exactly looking for it. I was just looking for something.

I flipped the switch, and nothing happened for a moment. Then, the altar began to vibrate, before the centre split, revealing a marble staircase leading down.

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