Chapter 3-Seeking Answers

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Nick decided to bunk at Matt's house for the rest of his stay but feeling bad that the stag party went sour, Matt asks Nick if he wants to check out a local haunted place to rekindle his spirits.

Though reluctant, Nick opts to go ahead with it. Maybe he can find out what's been haunting him. Strangely when he got to Vegas, his nightmares and tormenting reduced drastically. But why, plagued his mind every moment.

Later that night, Matt and Nick with other guys walked into a house that resembled a castle. As they walked into the darkness, Matt recited the history of the place but Nick wasn't paying attention...feeling the energy go heavy like they were under water. As he turned to mention it, he saw one of the guys holding a Ouija board...

Oh, you've got to be kidding...

He felt uncomfortable using it since the memories from the last time he used one it caused havoc on his last adventure, but they encouraged him to go along. After much coaxing and feeling it may identify what's attached to him, he reluctantly placed his hands on the cursor as they spun it clockwise three times.

Matt went first,

"Who's here?"

Nothing, then another question.

"When did you die?"

Silence once more, then a slow movement of the cursor moved to Yes.

"What is your name?"

The cursor moved to No, Nick's heart gorged with fear.

"Why won't you tell us your name?" Matt asked,

The cursor didn't move an inch, so he asked another question.

"What do you want?"

The cursor moved as they spelled:


"Why Nick?"

It spelled next,



"Where did you come from, why are you torturing me?" Nick asked having enough of the games.

The cursor spelled letter by letter,

"D-E-M-O-N H-O-U-S-E" then "I-F-O-L-L-O-W-Y-O-U. Demon House, I follow you."

Nick's chest raced with a throbbing meaty punch, blood gushed through his ribs.

Then the cursor spelled,

"I-W-I-L-L-R-E-T-U-R-N. I will return."

The guys quickly requested the entity to move to Goodbye, though it moved to No several times. Finally, Nick snapped.

"Look, you son of a bitch!! You move to Goodbye now!! Leave me alone!!"

Finally, the cursor moved to Goodbye but Nick knew better...this wasn't over.

Nick explained to them what happened at his last investigation with Zak and Aaron, he and Veronique had separated without seeing his daughters until he could rid of this dangerous entity. But Vegas was no place to pull himself together from all of his problems, so Matt fully supported Nick's reasoning to leave.

Later that night, as Nick walked the Vegas strip alone as floods of people passed him in the street, he saw a Church nearby. Even though they're mostly filled with young drunk couples getting fling married in Vegas, it was better than nothing. He had to take care of before he left, he left apprehensive to step inside but pushed on using his will to live driving each step closer.

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