Chapter 15-Forgiving the Past

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A few days after returning to New York, Zak texted her that he awaiting her arrival at the Travel Channel headquarters. Throughout her trip to get there, her mind raced with questions.

What could this be about?

Did he find out about Nick and me?

Is it about me not being on the show?

Unanswered questions only raised Aurora's anxiety as she headed into the elevator to the conference room.

Zak was sitting in one of the chairs across from her, shook her hand and sat down while they waited for the representatives to arrive.

The awkward moment of silence passed through them and even though he was happy to see Aurora again, Zak didn't look pleased at all.

But before either could speak, two men in dark suits came into the room. Zak and Aurora stood to greet them and shake their hands respectively.

"Miss Gibbons, thank you for coming to meet us. I'm Matt Thompson and this is my Human Resources President, Craig Mott." Matt spoke calmly.

Nodding in acknowledgement, Zak was first to speak up.

"Aurora, I know you've been away from the show to graduate with your Bachelor's Degree. And I know you had to take time off for a 'family' emergency a few months ago."

She contorted in confusion,


"Well, I was on YouTube and I found the short film you made for school. It was on the University's channel..."

As Zak spoke, Aurora tuned his voice out as her heart sank to her stomach.

Oh...shoot. Not good...

"Do you mind telling me how Nick was involved with the project?"

Aurora gulped,

"Well, how it is a problem?" She retorted.

"Because you lied to me. You said a school friend was at your apartment and I'm aware of Nick's situation."

"Ookay, so why are we here?" Aurora asked, even more confused.

"Miss Gibbons, if you can please tell us why you lied to Zak and answer whether or not you wish to stay on Ghost Adventures, this will affect your current employment with us."

Realizing her future film employment is also at stake, her mind raced with wanting to keep her promise to not tell Zak she helped Nick, she discretely texted him as they talked amongst themselves.

Nick, I'm with Zak and the Travel Channel reps. They're asking about you and why you were staying with me and I promised not to say anything. What should I say? -Aurora

A few minutes passed in discussion until a ringtone blared from Matt's suit jacket. He pulled out his cellphone and excused himself to take it. Answering it, he spoke briefly before walking back to the table and putting it on speaker.

"Go ahead." Matt said to the phone.

'How are you doing guys? It's Nick and there's something I need to clear up, I was staying in New York City and I asked Aurora to help make a video project and gave her permission to use it for her video studies, and...I asked her not to say anything to Zak about the fact I was staying with her because I wanted what happened between Zak and myself not taint Aurora's reputation."

They paused as they heard the truth from Nick's voice, Zak spoke first.

"Well, thanks for clearing that up and I hope you're doing better now."

"Yeah, thanks for everything."

Aurora could sense in their voices that they forgave each other, but time has changed things between them. She could only hope for the best as Matt hung up his phone, she owed Nick big time for sticking his neck out for her like that.

"Is that what happened?" Zak asked her.

"Yes, that's what happened and I'm sorry I lied to all of you."

Zak nodded in understanding, she turned to Matt and Craig.

"And the video I made with Nick impressed my school so much, I've been given more opportunities to work with production companies and I feel Ghost Adventures had changed into something below my talents, not wanting to feed into the dark, sinister turn the show had taken."

Understanding this and after some intense negotiations, Aurora was relieved of her contract with Ghost Adventures and gave a hardy goodbye to her former leader.

"Well, I'm sorry to see you go. But I understand you want to move on to bigger and better things. It was great having you on the crew."

Zak shook her hand and gave a half-hug.

"Thanks, it was a great adventure you, Nick and Aaron and you guys will always be family. Thank you..."

She walked away from the conference room, in slight nervousness.

I'm graduating really soon and now I'm unemployed...what am I gonna do now?

That night, Aurora was preparing her graduation cape and gown for the ceremony that next week when the ringtone blared on her computer.

It was a Google Hangouts call and the username read:

Nick Groff

Clicking on the Answer icon, she sat down in front of her screen as the connection set.

"Hey, kiddo. How's it going?"

"Pretty good, just getting my cape and gown together."

"Congratulations, I'm real happy for you. That's a good thing. Welcome to the real world now." He smiled with his usual light laugh.

"Yeah, right?" Aurora smiled back.

"I know." He paused, "So how'd it go with Zak and..."

"They terminated my contract with Ghost Adventures and now I have no employment after graduation." She tilted down in nervousness.

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, don't be. I should thank you for your help at the meeting, you really didn't have to call them and stick your neck out like that..."

"Yes, I did. I made you promise not to say anything, that almost got you in trouble and that was wrong of me. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, apology accepted."

"Hey, wait. What about that company in Boston? They said they were interested in you after graduation, why not contact them about working?"

"You mean, legitimately move to Boston?"

"If you want can."

Aurora paused, maybe Nick was asking her to be closer so he could see her again.

"Wish you could come to the ceremony, but go spend time with the girls. They went without you long enough. But you can watch the live stream if you want on the school's website."

"Thanks, I just might have to do that."

"Well, I gotta go and finish getting ready."

"Okay, have a good night and please...If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask."

"Thanks, Nick. Goodnight."


As Aurora sat by the computer screen as Nick's face clicked off, she stared in contemplation before reaching for a business card and opening up her email.

This is a big step, but it's worth it...

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