Chapter 12- Requiem of Salvation

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Dawn was barely breaking over the horizon as the two prepared for a long trip, Aurora was finishing up packing food and slipping the bag on her shoulder as Nick slipped his shoe laces on.

He sighed as he bent back up to look at her as she stood in front of him,

"You ready?" She asked,

"Yeah, let's go." He replied, his eyes drooped as lifted from the couch.

A slew of landscapes blew passed them as Aurora drove from the city out to the country, headed for the salvation that her friend needed to restore his life. Nick kept his arm on his door, watching the sun slowly rise over the horizon. The hours seemed to warp into a timeless stream of blurred trees, farms and highway roads. Gradually, Nick's nervousness of encountering this rite of excorism grew and felt like he starting to be drained of energy.

Aurora could sense Nick's wandering mind, she grabbed his arm to snap him back.

"Hang in there, Nick. We'll be there soon."

Feeling a bit like himself upon her caring touch, he caressed her hand with a light smile as she continued to drive down the highway.

Nick gazed her as the voices in his head, having her there seemed to keep him calm.

After more time, they had pulled up to the driveway of their destination. The small brick laid house gave off a vibe of safety and a chance to put Nick's torment to an end.

They slowly exited her car and walked up the stone walkway, Nick paused while grabbing Aurora's wrist. She stopped and turned to look at him,

"Nick, what's up?"

He slightly swayed as his gaze was downward to hide his growing fear.

"If...if anything happens to me, please tell my family I love them and will always watch over them."

"You'll make it, you have to...for them."

She revealed the photograph of Chloe and Annabelle, both girls grinning in happiness. Nick started to sob, feeling a stronger reason to survive this ordeal. Reaching outward, he surrounded Aurora in a strong warm hug.

"Thank you."

She slipped a hand on his back to coax him inside,

"Come on, I'll be right here."

They stepped into the house and met the excorist, he was preparing everything they needed as he instructed Nick to sit down. He was holstered down with reinforced leather straps, Aurora was wrapping his arm when she saw his missing wedding ring. She sighed, wishing she knew where the ring was so he could still his wife's presence. Nick grabbed her hand, looking up she met his eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry." Nick reassured her, remembering the night she danced with him.

Assured by his words, she stepped back as the priest placed his purple shawl. She slipped out her medal to her chest, gripping it in her hand.

St. Michael, please be with us...

The priest raised his bible and baton of holy water, blessing the area around them mumuring the beginning prayers.

As Nick twitched in his chair, he seemed to fade in and out of consciousness. Feeling darkness over him, he saw the priest in a shade of red and gazed at Aurora before blacking out with his head hanging over his torso.

The priest walked to Nick with a raised hand, making a sign of the cross as he called on St. Michael the Archangel to aid them in battle. Aurora felt a strong warmth surround her almost as though a protective fire had encased her body.

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