Chapter 9-All is Not Lost

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A few days passed, Nick was discharged from the hospital. During his recovery back home, Aurora took time off from her internship and studies to help him recover. Thankfully, her University and internship program completely understood and wished her the best.

She told Zak that she had a family emergency to take care of and would contact him soon; he too was supportive and was still unaware of Nick's condition. She did her best to keep Nick's wishes to not tell Zak, but it was becoming harder and harder to hide the truth. But despite that, she did as the priest instructed and maintained a positive environment as possible.

Over the following weeks, Nick soon began to taste the marvelous flavors of Aurora's home cooking again and she would join him as moral support when he went for runs to workout, this routine was slowly regaining Nick's muscular physique and he felt more energized. To combat his nightmares, they would watch as many inspirational shows, movies and YouTube videos as possible.

As they sat on the couch, laughing and having fun when the phone rang.


Aurora answered,

It was the priest she met at the hospital, he found someone who could perform an exorcism on Nick to rid him of the demonic attachment. She was relieved at the news, but slightly worried that they would have to travel quite a ways away and that it would take some time for the preparations. Assured that the issue will be resolved soon, she hung up and told Nick what happened.

"An exorcism, huh?" Nick said in a slight scoff,

"Yeah, we'll have to go out Maryland to do it, though. Hopefully, they'll call soon."

Nick nodded, sharing in her hopeful demeanor. As he rubbed his hands, he sighed in sorrow. Sensing what could be bothering him, she reached in her jacket and slipped out a photo.

Handing it to Nick, he gazed in a slight watery gaze.

"Where did you get this?" He asked,

"Veronique came while you were sedated, she gave me that before she left."

"Did she...say anything?"

Aurora hesitated, remembering the conversation she had with her. Wanting to maintain a positive outlook, she gazed at his earthy, brown eyes while caressing his left hand.

He took that as a sign that she hadn't taken him back, maybe Annabelle and Chloe were asking how he was so she stopped by to assure their father was at least alive. Feeling slightly hurt by separation from his family, he grasped Aurora's hand as comfort.

"Thanks for giving me this, at least they're safe and healthy." He said, grasping it in his hand.

Aurora sat in reassurance, trying to radiate hope into Nick's heart. He looked up at her, seeing that positivity in her soul just like when he met her. He lightly laughed and composed himself, Aurora saw this and contorted into confusion.

"What's up?" She asked,

"No, I was just thinking. You've coming so far and from what you told me over the years, you endured some hard times." He paused,

"How do you do it?"

She chuckled lightly, thinking on that herself.

"I just...decided that, a while back, I would be better than how I lived growing up. I pushed through the bullshit because I had to, I'm survivor I guess you can say. So after I found that there is more out there than what I sheltered with, I had to explore and go live my life. Like you said, life is too short. I made this far so I'm gonna make the best of it."

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