Chapter 6-Give a little Love

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A few weeks passed since Nick first arrived, the video they made for American Ninja Warrior was sent off to the casting managers. Nick even started to reach out to people knew in his paranormal community to start some new shows.

Aurora continued to be supportive as possible, seeing him pull himself together slowly. Nick's nightly attacks seemed to dissipate, he actually got decent sleep.

Finally, Katrina Weidman from Paranormal State contacted Nick. They put together a sizzle reel and were ready to pitch it to anyone who would pick it up. Calling it Paranormal Lockdown, a 72-hour experience to discover groundbreaking evidence of the paranormal.

Proud of his accomplishments, Aurora focused on her own pursuits and to keep her mind off the man she can't have. The extensive amount of college work and spending hours at the internship kept her busy, but was always there when they met up at the apartment.

But gradually, Nick noticed that she seemed distant.

"Hey Aurora, what's up?" He asked, "Am I a bother to you?"

"Oh no, never. Just swamped by all the work I have to do." She replied with a half lie, not wanting reveal the true nature what was going through her mind.

He nodded,

"Okay then, how about we go out to the city? You should take a break once in a while, slow down and have some fun."

"Sure, I know this great bowling alley on 83rd street."

Intrigued, the duo headed to the glistening towers of the city that never sleeps. After arriving to their building, Nick paid for the lanes and shoes. Aurora ran off to grab them a spot as he grabbed their bowling balls.

"Here, kiddo. A light one for you." He handed her a brightly colored one, knowing that a regular one may be too much strain on her arms.


Nick stood in front of the lane and threw the ball down the floor, sliding down and clacking pins down with a few still up. Try as he might, he missed them a second time.

Then Aurora's turn came up, this time she hit strikes a few times. Igniting Nick's competitive spirit, he shook in disbelief.

"Okay, what's your secret? Not cheating, are you?"

"What, cheating? No, I bowled a lot as a kid." She laughed,

"All right then, let's just see who can play best at bowling."

"Is that a bet?" She asked,

"You wanna bet on it? Okay, loser has to...give the winner full bragging rights." Nick challenged,

"You're on."

They shook hands as she took another stroke down the lanes, Nick shook his head in impression.

For over an hour, they kept playing since the scores were close and with bragging rights on the line. Finally, Nick hit one last strike and cheered, thinking he won. But Aurora pointed at the scoreboard, they were still close but Nick was slightly higher.

"Wanna call it a tie? We both played hard." She suggested,

They shook hands with the truce made, they each got bragging rights.


Walking down the streets as fog and passing cars made the nightlife surreal, Aurora sniffed the air to a familiar scent.

"Hot dogs..."

She then saw a hot dog kiosk with fresh sausages roasting on the red hot cooker.

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, worked up appetite." She replied,

Nick motioned for two hot dogs, the cashier gave him the food and change.

"Aww, Nick. You didn't have to do that." She uttered as she began to munch on her late night snack.

"No, you made us food. Now it's my turn."

They walked home as the frankfurters were consumed with tangy mustard and sweet ketchup. And they laughed down the street, Aurora was stopped by a sudden overwhelming dread. Nick looked concerned as she froze in her tracks,

"Aurora? Aurora, what is it?"

He looked in the direction she was staring and saw a tall, slender hooded figure towering over the trash.

"Hey man, we don't want trouble. Just let us go and we can-"

Suddenly, the figure shot straight at Nick into his chest. He felt as though his lungs were being forced shut. He choked for air, Aurora dived down to his aid.

"Nick, are you okay?!"

Frantically, she searched for anyone to help. But the streets were mysteriously vacant so were any passing cars. She tried to reach for their phones, but neither was getting service.

Knowing Nick was running out of time, she closed her eyes and reached under her shirt. Slipping out a silver oval pendant, she whispered a few words of Latin and swiftly placed it on his chest. She saw the shadow shoot out from his mouth and out the sky, Nick was coughing hard.

"Nick, are you okay?"

Slowly, he tried to stand though stumbling on the way up.

He was breathing again, but it was clear in his expression that there was more going on that meets the eye.

At last, Nick began to speak but it wasn't what she expected.

"You see, that was an attack. It's only a matter of time before you're hurt next."

Letting her necklace dangle on her chest, she sighed in disappointment. It was a trap, the entity hasn't was waiting for the right moment to strike them both, knowing Aurora cared for Nick.

"Come on, let's go home." Aurora grabbed his arm but he slipped from her grasp.

"No, you go. I need time alone, please."

"Nick, did it show you something during the attack?"

His silence gave no clues away, but his eyes hinted that something vile would occur.

"Please, tell me. Maybe I can help you."

"No one can help me now." Nick said in desperation before walking away.

"Wait!! Nick, where are you going?" She yelled out but he wouldn't respond.


She stood in shock, feeling helpless. She was tempted to run after him, but knew he would never let her follow.

She walked into her empty apartment and clicked on a light so Nick could find his way back.


Nick spent time alone in an alley, letting the rain smear his face as tears mixed in. He broke down, feeling so down that another person he cared about was almost hurt because of him.

But with no else to turn, he was forced to walk to her apartment since he knew the police would search for him in the morning. Using his spare key, he clicked the lock on the apartment and snuck through the hall. As he quietly slipped into his bed, he soaked his pillow with rain and huge tears.

Is there no end in sight?

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