Chapter 10- Feelings Hard to Explain

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The next morning, Nick awoke feeling pretty rested and refreshed. After he freshened up in the bathroom, he stepped into his room to slip on his slippers. Judging the silence in the kitchen, he decided to check on Aurora and was surprised that she hadn't woken up yet.

Probably conked out from their late night shenanigans shooting a ghostly video. As he saw her barely move, he decided to take initiative since she did so much already.

What the hell? I'll make breakfast, how hard can it be?

He thought to himself before slowly closing her door once more, heading to the kitchen. Rummaging through her cabinets, he gathered the pans he needed then the ingredients. This actually wasn't new to him since he's cooked breakfast before for his kids, so this would be a refresher course.

Mixing the batter and pouring it on the hot pan, the beige paste emitted the sweet fragrance of buttery goodness into the air. While the round disks bubbled, he slipped out some strips of bacon on another hot pan. The sizzling meaty ribbons sink and crumbled up as they were fried to a crisp.

Awoken by a sudden aroma of food, Aurora leaned up from bed and placed on her eyeglasses. Sniffing the air, making sure that her nose wasn't playing tricks on her. Confirming that she really was sensing food, she looked over to see Nick's room empty. Intrigued, she wrapped herself in a house robe and walked down the hall.

Nick heard her footsteps coming down the hall, saw her turn the corner rubbing an eye under her spectacles.


"Ooh. Morning." Aurora replied with a long yawn, sitting down beside the dining table.

"You making breakfast?" She asked, looking at him over the counter.

"Yeah, it's the least I can do in return."

As he slipped scrambled eggs on their plates, he served her first placing a plate on the table.

"Thank you."

As she waited for Nick to join her, she spoke up.

"I'm gonna work on the video today, would you like to help?" She asked,

"Hell yeah, sure."

As they both fed on the breakfast, Aurora couldn't help but feel something in the air...something she thought would cross her way. Tension, but this was foreign since they worked together professionally. What could cause this slight tension between them just having breakfast, talking editing a video?

Regardless of this, she shrugged it off, as it was possible that she about to show Nick what she could pull in post-production. So after finishing their meal, they both did their morning routines and were excited to watch their little creation come to life.

After drying her hair and getting clothed for the day, she sat down at her desktop opening her editing suite. The various camera clips on screen showed different scenes, she then opened her effects suite knowing she could create some spectacular special effects.

As Nick knocked on her door, she turned to wave him in.

"Come on in."

Funnily, that's something she thought would never do. Invite Nick into her room, but this time to be professional, not a gitty fangirl. He pulled a seat next to her, seeing the same screens as her, making him nostalgic for the old days when he started out as a documentarian filmmaker.

"Okay, let's see what we got."

Nick gazed over the base shots before she added the effects, still impressed by her being able to think on her feet to make some great visuals. He gazed at her as she worked, the focus and concentration was clearly visible. She apparently knew what she wanted to do to take the story from a smorgasbord of meaningless shots into a creepy, suspenseful short film.

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