Chapter 16- 'Til I Return to You

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Over a few weeks had passed since Aurora graduated from her University with a Bachelor's Degree. Not long after word got out on her professional grade talents with Video Production, job offers came flooding in through phone calls and emails.

Hearing back from the Film Company in Boston, one project in particular was a feature film is taking place aboard in Ireland where she's been asked to be a Production Assistant, which paid very well but it was going to take over a year to shoot. So reluctantly, Aurora had to pack up her apartment, put most of her belongings in a storage unit and move out of her apartment. Even Nick offered to help her move, she decided not to bother him and let him spend time with his family and pull his life back together.

She was reminiscing the whole time about the home she made for herself and helped Nick get back on his feet. Flashes of memories came back to her as she packed his guest room before he returned home. The last of the boxes were lifted out of the room and she closed the door for good on her old home.

While relaxing in her hotel room, getting ready to take her long hour flight, she said goodbye to everyone she knew except for one person. Her phone buzzed on the desk as she received a text message,

Hey, I'm in the city for some meetings and promotions. Can we met before you leave?-Nick

Sure, what time? She replied, hitting Send.

Tonight. I'll let you when I'm free. –Nick

About an hour later in the night, walking down the damp pavement illuminated by dim orange streetlights, she relaxes on a bench grasping her phone. Also looking around for her own awareness, hoping Nick would show soon.

Nick was in fact, standing against a tree not far from her, thinking of what to say.

She's leaving in the morning, so you better say what you need to. Could be a long time before you see her again...

Turning and seeing she was in fact at the bench, he held a flat box wrapped in twine and brown paper, tapping his fingers in contemplation while trying to breathe calmly. Exhaling slowly, he stepped away and spoke out in the dark.

"Aurora?" He muttered softly,

She perked up watching a dark, tall figure step closer revealing his face in streetlight's glow.

"Hey, what's up Nick?" She beamed a joyous smile while hugging him.

"Congratulations again on graduating, you should be proud."

"Yeah, I am."

"So what's next? Did that company in Boston ever get back to you?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, actually. I'm going to Ireland for a while, so it'll be a while before I settle into Boston."

"Oh, okay. Well, Katrina and I start shooting Paranormal Lockdown at the Hinsdale House later this guess, we'll both be busy."

They both drooped their shoulders in sadness, but Nick perked up to speak again.

"For what it's worth, I'll never forget the compassion you showed me...I hope to hear from you, let me know how you're doing out there."

"Yeah, I will for sure. You just be careful with the cases you take, be safe and I'll be watching it when it comes out...if the director doesn't keep me up too late."

They lightly laugh in unison, and then she noticed the package in Nick's hand.

"What's that you got, Nick?"

"Oh my God, where are my manners?" He holds it out to her.

Grasping the box, she pulls off the twine and rips the paper off. Pulling the cloth from the box, she put the box down and unraveled the dark cloth. It was a dark stone grey zip-up hoodie that was much larger than she was. Holding it up to the light, she stammered what to say.

"Do you recognize it?" Nick asked.

"Sort of. Have I seen it before-"

It clicked in her mind as she stared at it more, recognizing it from a very long time ago.

"It's the jacket I gave you at the Halden Mansion, remember?"

"Yeah!! You let me use it while resting at the base, that experience shook me to the core."

"Yeah, well I want you to have it now. So I'll always be there for you." Nick replied with a smile.

"Aww, thank you."

She hugged him once more and as she parts from him, she catches the hint of gold on his left hand. She opened her mouth while folding the jacket onto her arm, but before she could speak, Nick already answered her.

"Veronique and I..."

She nodded in understanding as Nick spoke again,

"After everything we've been through, I never thought..."

Nick paused as he stopped talking, staring back into Aurora's eyes. She blinked and nodded her head a bit. Realizing he had to rethink his words, his throat nearly shut in nervousness before he spoke again.

"Aurora..." He paused as he tried to muster up the right words to say since it could be a long time before she saw her again.

"Do you think...we'll ever...see each other again?"

Aurora stood in silence, her face contorted in shock and surprise knowing the actual intent of his question.

"I...don't know what will happen, but...I'll be thinking about you always."

They venture close as Nick envelops her in his arms, holding her head softly against his frame. Holding each other in place, just wanting to feel the warmth of each other's presence. Nick thought back to that night when he nearly kissed her and was almost tempted to try again, but his mind kept bickering him.

Deciding to still show her affection before she leaves for an unknown length of time, her head lifted from his chest as the fluorescence of fireflies blinked all around them. Captivated in the moment, Nick tilted down to press his lips on her smooth, soft forehead. As she tilted back, they gazed into their eyes as they depart with smiles in a wordless goodbye.

Reluctantly, they slipped gazes away from each other, a strong vibe still hung heavy in the still approaching autumn air. Both were venturing into the unknown with the paranormal...but they didn't have answers yet to the most important questions in their minds:

Will they see each other again?



Author's Note: Okay, people. Listen up, please. That's the end of this story or is it?

If demand is enough, I'll write a sequel. So let me hear it!!
Who here wants more?


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