Chapter 5-Need some Sleep

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Need some Sleep

The following morning, Nick rolled from his bed and could smell the glistening sweet scent of maple syrup and pancakes. Realizing that breakfast was being freshly made, he pushed himself to get up.

Groggy still, he walked down the kitchen.

"Morning." He yawned,

"Morning." Aurora replied, finishing up the last pancake. As she brought it to the table, she could see the dark circles under his eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked in a soft tone,

"Didn't well last night..." He responded and as he reached for some syrup, she gasped and grabbed his arm upon noticing the bruises on his arm.

"Ahh, easy." Nick winced as he gently let her examine him.

"Were you attacked last night?" She asked,

"Yeah, I...tried to get rid of it but it won't leave me be. Everyone I ever tried to contact to help me rid of attachment, had something terrible happen to them. One even got in a bad car accident, but they're alive."

Aurora gasped in horror, and listened as he sighed in despair.

"Veronique left me and took the kids, I don't know if I'll ever see my girls again."

She frowned in sadness, knowing the pain of being separated from family who won't communicate with you.

"I'm sorry, Nick. But as long as you're here, I've got your back."

He smiled in reassurance,

"Thanks, I really appreciate that."

"So what are you doing now?" Nick asked her,

"I'm on a leave of absence from the show to attend a summer film internship in the city so I have something to fall back onto when I leave Ghost Adventures." She replied.

"Why an internship? You could probably get in on your own." Nick tilted in confusion,

"I'm still earning my Bachelor's Degree in Film, they wanted students so I had to join a University online course." She explained,

"Oh, so an Associate's Degree wouldn't cut it?" He nodded,

"Yeah, but it's okay. I'm graduating in the Fall so I'm almost done."

"Well, congratulations. You should be proud." Nick said with a smile,

"I am. But what about you, I'm gonna busy most days so what you do for work?" She asked,

"I'll figure it out, you know me." Nick replied,

She smiled, confident that this will be resolved somehow.

Later that morning, Aurora grabbed her keys and backpack.

"Okay, I'm heading out. You got my cell number if you need anything."

"Gotcha, good luck, kid." He said with smile.

She closed the door behind her and locked the door. As her footsteps trampled down the stairs, Nick flopped on her couch to watch TV trying to think what to do next. Then a flashy commercial for American Ninja Warrior came on.

Hey, I could do that. Maybe Veronique and the girls will see me doing better...maybe I can come home.

Realizing that working out could push back the negativity he's been feeling, he decided to go ahead and submit a video.

Don't Fear the Reaper [Nick Groff fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora