Chapter 4-Searching for Solace

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Looking out the airborne window, Nick gazed at the setting sun while the icy rain pelted the glass. His ear buds plunged into his ears, emitting some of his favorite Spotify playlists. Hoping music could soothe the desperation and loneliness he felt, but trying to remember he was on his way to the one person that could offer assistance.

The pilot came over the loud speaker, announcing that they would be descending soon and welcoming the passengers to New York. He gathered his bags as he headed down the aisle, occasionally letting people pass him to reach their luggage since he wasn't in any hurry.

As he exited the plane, he slipped his phone from his chest pocket. He sent a quick text,

Hey, just landed. Gotta go to baggage claim then will get a taxi. See you soon.

Hitting Send, he slipped his phone and walked down to where his bag was passed around by the conveyer belt. Grabbing it, he headed outside where he saw passing taxi cars whooshing through the rain, spewing puddles of rain all over the place. Putting his hand up, one stopped but not before splashing a puddle and soaking his pant ankles.

Dah, f-

Nick internally muttered as he gritted his teeth, but got inside. Just wanting to quit running around and get to his location. He gave the driver the address and they pulled away, Nick sat back grateful that the driver at least had the decency to turn on the heat in this chilly weather that matched his current mood.


Meanwhile in an apartment, not far from the airport, a small figure walked through the kitchen to the cooking counter. A pair of hands was gently slicing some vegetables and pours them into the roasting pan before placing it in the oven, placing some fresh sheets on the spare bed and some folded towels on the corner, wanting to make everything as welcoming as possible.

Not long after setting the table, the screech of tires could be heard just over the soft, calming music emitting from the laptop.

A hand glistening with moisture knocked on the main door, hoping someone would answer. Then the door opens, and Nick sees a familiar face, someone hadn't seen in what seemed forever ago.

"Nick, you made it. Come on in, dry off." A soft voice encouraged him, he took up for offer but carefully walked in with his rain soaked bags.

"Sorry, I'm possibly ruining your floors."

"No, don't be. I can wipe that up so go ahead, you go make yourself comfortable. Guest room is down the hallway to the left, bathroom is the next door over." Pointing down the brightly lit hall.

"Thanks." Nick said, slipping off his shoes then carrying his luggage to the room. It was immaculate, clean and well kept. Clearly, this was meant for him.

Zipping off his jacket, he saw the towels nicely folded.

Smiling at the kindness of his host, he grabbed and decided to shower up. The steam and hot water came splattering down on his cool skin, alleviating the cold chill from the rain. Scrubbing the lavender soap made snicker, not every man uses it a scent like this but it might be all his host has for soap. Besides the fact it had a nice, mellow calming scent so he decided to use it for now until he could get his usual soap. Squeaking the knobs off, he stepped out and wrapped himself in his crisp towels.

Drying off into fresh clothes, he stepped into the hall and could smell the savory scent of a home cooked meal. Seeing his host place the steamy plate of delectable roasted meat, he sniffed the air with his mouth watering.

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