-chapter 3-

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-chapter 3-

Sam's P.O.V.

"I'm Cameron." he says. I smile and say "Samantha, but my friends call me Sam" "nice to meet you Sam." "same to you." I reply smiling at him. Cameron smiles back and asks me if I want to sit with him. I of course decide to sit and talk with him. "so why are you out here really?" he asks, I'm kinda surprised how nosy he is. "well, it's a long story." I say trying to avoid having to talk about it. "I've got nothing but time" Cameron says giving me a heart melting smile. "fine, it's cause my mom and sister keep getting into fights, and I always get pulled into the middle of them, Things get bad sometimes. It's all verbal abuse but words hurt just as bad... and then everyone starts getting angry, and words fly and I usually get the majority of the insults because they're mad at eachother..." before I can even stop myself I start crying. Cameron wraps his strong arms around me and pulls me in close to him. "I'm sorry." I whisper into his chest. He pulls me away from him so he can look at my face. "sorry for what?!" he exclaims. "for dumping this on you, I didn't mean to.." I say wiping my face with my hands. "Sam, please don't apologize. You obviously needed someone to talk to..." he says taking my hands. "yeah, I guess. But no offense I usually don't dump my lifes problems on a stranger.." I say laughing. Cameron laughs too and pulls me back into a comforting hug.

Cameron's P.O.V

Sam was gorgeous. I couldn't believe she was out here alone, upset none the less. I loved having her in my arms. I know I don't even know this girl but something about her is so intriguing. "so why are you here alone?" she asks pulling away from me. I sigh, I knew this was coming.. "uhm, well, its a long story, but I'll tell you anyway..." I say, feeling obligated to tell her since she was so open with me. "please do." she says smiling at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. "okay," I begin, "my band just lost our guitar player. He got in a fight with our drummer and decided to just leave the band. It made me really upset cause he and I are best friends but that didn't seem to mean much to him in the end. So I decided to take a walk and clear my head...." "that wasn't a very long story." Sam says giggling a little, then she gets serious "I'm sorry Cameron... That must suck to lose your best friend like that." then she hugs me tight. "I just hope I don't lose the band too." I tell her. "well, I don't think you will. And just think, you may have lost a friend today, but you also gained one." she says grinning at me. I smile back at her and say "uh-oh, you're already throwing the FRIEND word around!" she shoves me over and we both start laughing, her laugh is so adorable. "oh no! Cameron! I have to get home! I didn't tell my family I was going out!" she says jumping up from the sand. "oh I'll walk you if you want me too." I offer.

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