-chapter 19-

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-chapter 19-

Cameron's P.O.V.

"guys it's getting late!" I said, "hurry up and pick something!" Michael was being so indecisive about what ring he was going to get Savannah. And Zach wasn't being of any help. "Cameron chill!" Michael said sounding aggravated with me. We'd been out all day looking for rings for the girls. Zach and I had decided upon getting promise rings, sort of like a pre-engagement ring. For all of us to remind each other of what we now have back home. After Zach and I were finished picking the rings out for Melina and Sam, Michael decided to get one for Savannah as well. "okay, we gotta get a move on! The girls are gonna get worried!" I said ready to get out of here. "fine!" Michael said in a loud voice, "I'll take that one." he said to the attendant. And with that we left the mall and started on the drive home. "you think the girls will be excited?" Zach asked. "uhm, duh. Atleast, I hope." I say, certain at first then slightly hesitant. "what if it freaks them out?" I ask. "eh, I think Savannah can handle it." Michael says cooly. I laugh, "yeah because you're all swagged out." "yup!" he replies grinning. "what about you Zach, how do you think Melina will take it?" Michael asks Zach. "I'm really not sure, I'm hoping well, obviously. But I have been wanting to take our relationship to the next level but I've been kinda scared." Zach says. "it'll be fine." I say patting him on the back. We ride the rest of the way home in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts about what will happen. By now it's dark so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. We pull in to the apartment complex and hide our stuff under the seat.

Sam's P.O.V.

We heard car doors slamming and I ran to the window. "they're finally home guys!!" I yell. Not long after the door swings open. "WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?!" Savannah yells nearly jumping on top Michael. He pulls her in tight and kisses her. I smile and roll my eyes. Melina seems to have found Zach as well. Cameron makes his way over to me, "where've you been?" I ask. He pulls me in close and kisses me without answering. I pull away, "don't avoid the question! Where have you been?" I ask again. Cameron kisses me again and pushes me up against the wall. I don't like how forceful he's being so I bite his lip and push him away. He looks at me with a questioning look. "answer me Cameron!" I say. "I can't tell you Sam!" he says. He looks kinda stressed out. Dyanna, Mollie, and Taylor all say it's time for them to get home, I assume it's cause things just got pretty awkward. I give them all hugs and tell them I'll see them tomorrow after Melina, Savannah, and I see the boys off. They each give the boys hugs and wish them luck with the tour. After they leave I pull Melina to the side, "did Zach tell you were they'd been??" I ask in a loud whisper. "no, cam tell you?" she asks. "no, and he was being all forceful. Not like his usual self." I confided to her. Melina let's out a small laugh, "Zach is always like that, you get used to it eventually." I laugh at her then pull Savannah over too. "Mikey tell you what's up?" I ask, remaining in a hushed tone. "nope, either of the boys tell you guys?" she asks. Melina and I both shake our heads, and Savannah makes a face. "oh well. I'm tired, I'm gonna go to sleep, goodnight loves!" Melina says heading towards her and Zach's room. "I guess I'll head to bed too, night Sam!" Savannah says smiling. "night guys" I say to them both walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I pulled my hair back into a bun and changed into a big tshirt and shorts then crawled in bed. Cameron was already asleep, probably tired from doing who knows what with the boys on his freaking last day here, I thought. I rolled over so I was facing the window, away from Cameron. I felt him slip his arms around me and I instantly forgave him for abandoning me today. Because without him I wouldn't have any of this. We both slept soundly until early the next morning when Cameron gently shook me awake. "Sam, get up. I have a surprise." he whispered in my ear. "mmm, what time is it?" I asked sleepily. "it's only about 7am. But I need you to get up, you don't even have to change. I just need you to come with me, okay?" Cameron said. So I got up and made my way to the bathroom, I brushed out my hair and washed my face. After that I was a little more awake so I brushed my teeth and put on a clean shirt. As soon as I opened the door Cameron had me by the wrist and was pulling me out the door of the apartment. "where are we going??" i asked. He just grinned in reply.

Cameron's P.O.V.

"Sam, can you no walk any faster??" I asked dragging her behind me. "I'm still half asleep cam!" she replied. I shook my head smiling, "trust me, it'll be worth it." I continued pulling her behind me until we got to the exact spot on the beach where we met. The sun was just rising and it made for a beautiful background. I held both of Sam's hands in mine so she was facing me. "this is where we first met...." she said smiling. "yes, and I wanted to ask you something." I say. My hands are shaking and I'm so nervous about what she's going to say. I don't even know what I'm gonna say. "what is it Cam?" she asks looking deep into my eyes, searching for the answer. "I was wondering, if you'd want to be my girlfriend, and if you'd accept this ring as a reminder of our relationship," I say, then add in a whisper "and a pre-engagement ring." as I finish I watch her face and eyes light up. "yes, of course!" she says wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me. I get butterflies in my stomach and relief runs through me. Sam nearly knocks me over from kissing me with such force. "whoa babe, I'm not as stable as I used to be!" I say laughing nodding towards my leg. "oh right, sorry!" she says steadying me before hugging me tight. "I love you" she whispers. "I love you too." I say. She pulls away and looks me in the eyes, "would you marry me right now if it wasn't illegal?" I smile "of course," I say as I trace the scar on her face with my finger. "good." she whispered. "now let's head back to the house before they realize were both gone. I agree, but know no one will be there. Both guys went out and did the same thing that I just did, but at places that meant something to them. As Sam and I walk back i think aloud "this has been the best spring break ever, and I can't wait till I can see my beautiful girlfriend again." Sam squeezes my hand and says "I'll miss you, but thank you for giving me the time of my life and the best friends I've ever had."....... THE END!

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this story, please rate & comment!! Much love :*

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