-chapter 8-

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-chapter 8-

Sam's P.O.V.

I got to the boys apartment before Zach's girlfriend, which I was glad of. I'd never met Zach before and I wanted a chance to get comfortable before I had to meet another person. I can be kinda shy sometimes and now is one of those times. I make my way to their door and knock, seconds later Cameron swings the door open with a huge smile on his face. I can't help but smile back. "hey" I say quietly. "hey, come on in!" Cameron says as he leads me through the door. Their apartment is surprising clean considering it's just them two; I'm impressed. "Sam, this is Zach. Zach this is Sam." Cameron introduces us. Zach holds out his hand and I shake it awkwardly. "nice to finally meet you Sam." Zach says smiling at me. "same to you." I say smiling back. Wow, Zach has a gorgeous smile too... "I hope you like pizza." Zach says laughing. "yeah, were not much on cooking..." Cameron says. I laugh, "I don't mind, actually, pizza sounds really good!" I say smiling at them both. Just then a knock on the door. I'm guessing it will be Zach's girlfriend. Zach runs to the door and throws it open, picking up a red haired girl and kissing her lightly on the lips. I can't help but smile at the two of them. They're adorable together. Finally Zach puts the girl down and she walks over to Cameron and gives him a hug, "hey Cam!" she says, then notices me standing there. "oh, hey! You must be Sam!" she says. How does everyone know who I am? I wonder. "yeah, that's me." I say. "I'm Melina," she says sticking her hand out, "nice to meet you" I say smiling. Melina seems really nice. I could get used to hanging out with these people. "alright guys, let's sit down and Cameron and I will serve the pizza" Zach says taking Melina by the hand and pulling her towards a chair in the dining area. Cameron takes my hand and does the same. As the boys walk off to get the pizza Melina leans in a whispers "you and Cam are adorable together! How'd you two meet?" I smile, "thanks! We met on the beach, it's kind of a long story but we hung out for a long time and just talked. Then he asked for my number and here I am." I say giving her the summary. She smiles, "well, I hope you stick around. You seem really cool." the boys are coming back with our pizza now and we all sit and make small talk. Then Melina and I start asking about all the crazy tour stories. It makes for very interesting conversation. By the time Cameron finishes one about end of tour pranks Melina and I are both crying from laughter at what they go through just to get a good tour prank. Suddenly there's a panicked knock on the door. We all fall silent and Zach gets up to go see who it is. He opens the door slightly and then yells "Michael!"

Cameron's P.O.V

I heard Zach yell Michael's name and I immediately jump out of my chair and race over to see where he's been. "dude! You like dropped off the face of the earth!" I say jokingly. Until I see Michaels face. He doesn't look like himself, he looks hurt and alone. I pull him into an awkward hug. By this time Melina and Sam have both walked over to see what was going on. "hey Michael, what's wrong?" Melina asks and Michael just shakes his head. Sam looks kinda confused so I pull her aside. "Sam, that's Michael, our bands drummer. He's been gone ever since the night I met you and we haven't been able to get a hold of him since. And now we don't know what's wrong." I explain. Sam nods her head and takes my hand. We rejoin Zach and Melina and by now Michael is finally beginning to say what's wrong. "...so I went to Alexandra's and stayed with her. But then we got in a huge fight this morning and she said she never wanted to see me again. So I left there and just wandered around town for a while..." Michael explains. I give him a sympathetic look, and Zach pats him on the back. "then while I was out there was this girl, and I decided to flirt with her a little. So we ended up talking for a little bit. Her name is Savannah. But I still can't get over Alexandra yet...." Michael looks happy while talking about Savannah. But his face turns to ice as he remembers Alexandra. I feel bad for the guy, it's been a rough couple days. Finally Zach speaks up. "well, were always here for you buddy, and you know you can stay here. And to get your mind off things you should hang with us!" "yeah!" we all agree. Michael cracks a smile and says "thanks guys." Sam speaks up and introduces herself "hey, I'm Sam. I'm assuming you're Michael." she says smiling. "nice to meet ya Sam!" Michael replies smiling again. "you guys wanna turn on a movie?" I suggest. "yeah that's a good idea!" Melina says. So we all decide on a movie and each take a seat. Michael takes the lazyboy, Zach and Melina curl up on the couch together, and Sam and I take the loveseat. I wrap my arm around her and kiss the top of her head lightly. She lays her head on my chest and falls asleep before the movie even gets good.

Sam's P.O.V.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I guess I did. All I remember was setting up the movie and everyone getting comfortable. Melina and Zach all cozy together Zach obviously loving every minute of having Melina in his arms. Michael looking happy just to be with is friends. And me next to Cameron wrapped in his arms.

I woke up to find myself in a strange bed. I got really scared and shot up out of whoever's bed it was. But when I sat up I suddenly recognized the place. I'd fallen asleep at Zach and Cameron's! I looked down to see I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday. Then I looked around the room, I wasn't familiar with it, and the bed I just woke up in had someone else in it. That freaked me out even more. I laid back down to try and calm myself but it just wasn't happening. Then I heard someone groan and the bed shifted I looked over and found Cameron looking at me. I smiled, all my worries left me instantly. "goodmorning beautiful." he said in a tired barely awake voice. "I fell asleep here last night." I say stating the obvious. "I know, I slept with you." he said laughing. My jaw dropped then I started laughing too. "I guess I was tired?" "yeah, you didn't even wake up when I carried you to my room." Cameron said laughing again. Then he rolled over closer to me. The blankets fell off a little to reveal the fact that he was shirtless. I couldn't help but stare. He was gorgeous. Inside and out. He caught me staring and I blushed. He kissed me softly and whispered "you're beautiful when you sleep."

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