-chapter 5-

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-chapter 5-

Cameron's P.O.V.

We made it back to her house and she wouldn't let me come up too close because she was afraid her parents would see us. I kinda understood but I couldn't help feeling just a little rejected. "Well I gotta get inside, but I hope to see you again really soon?" Sam said looking at me with a hopeful expression. "of course! Here, give me your phone." I said reaching my hand out for her phone. She handed over and I punched in my number and handed it back to her. She looked at it and smiled. "wait here just a second!" she said running towards the house. She grabs something off the porch and comes running back. She takes my hand and writes her name and number on my arm in fancy handwriting. After Sam finished she looked up at me, I smiled at her and then leaned down and kissed her forehead. "what's that you got there?" I asked taking the notebook she had in her hands. "no Cameron don't!" she yelled trying to take it from me. I opened it up to find more of her handwriting scribbled all over the pages. I began reading the first page; it was a love song, I good one at that. "you wrote this?" I asked, and she nodded her head blushing. She was adorable when she did that.

Sam's P.O.V.

I can't believe he's reading my notebook! I feel my face go red, but I can't help feeling a little happy he's actually reading my stuff. "so uh, what do you think?" I ask hesitantly. I watch his eyes scan page after page. "this...is amazing Sam!" he says looking at me smiling that smile of his. "you mean it?" "of course! These are amazing!" Cameron grins at me. "wait," I say studying his gorgeous face, "you said you were in a band!" "yes I am." he said smiling. "I....oh my gosh.....I totally didn't pay attention! I knew you said it but I was so focused on making you feel better it didn't even register!" I said rambling on and on feeling stupid. He laughed at me and said "it's okay, I know you had a lot on your mind too." "yeah I guess. But what band are you in?!" I asked excitedly. "Allstar Weekend." he said, "you've probably never heard of us..." "oh sorry, I haven't. I'll listen to you when I get in though!" I say feeling bad for not knowing them. "sounds good! You'll have to let me know what you think! I play bass and sing a little backup, just so you know." he said smiling. "I play a little guitar, but I barely sing. And you know I write...." I said. "you play guitar?!" he asked excitedly. "yes...?" "we just lost our guitar player!" he told me again. "I know, you told me, remember?" I said obviously not getting his excitement. "Sam! We need a new guitar player!" he said taking me by my shoulders. I laughed "oh heck no, I'm not even good!" "bs! I'm sure you're amazing!" he said. "cam, look, I'd love to keep talking but I REALLY have to go. I'll text you okay?" I said. "oh, yeah, okay." he pulled me into a hug and then kissed me again. It was better then the first time, his kisses are so soft and sweet. I pull away and whisper "goodbye Cameron." "bye Samantha." he whispered back. Cameron walked back down the beach and I watched him until he faded into the darkness. After I watched him I turned and walked back up to my house. I grabbed my vans, guitar, and still had my notebook in my hand, I opened the door to my house ready to face my parents.

Bend or Break~(an Allstar Weekend fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu