-chapter 18-

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-chapter 18-

Sam's P.O.V.

We pulled up to the apartment and Cameron and I got our stuff and made our way to the door. I had to help Cameron gather his stuff, which he didn't like too much. "Sam stop. I'm the guy, I'm supposed to be the one taking your bags!" he said. "Cameron shut up, you're still getting used to your leg just let me help you!" I say exasperated. "no. Sam give it to me!" he yells jerking his bag out of my grip stumbling back in the process. I reach out and grab him just before he falls all the way back. "dammit Cameron! Just let me help you!" I scream. Just then the door swings open and Michael sticks his head out, "what's going on out here?" he asks. I grunt and look at Cameron. "I wouldn't let her help me.....then I almost fell." Cameron admitted. Michael took both of our bags and said "there! Now no more arguing you two!" I laughed as he marched through the apartment with both our bags slung over his shoulders. "I'm sorry." I say to Cameron slipping my arm around his waist as we walk in. "SURPRISE!" we hear multiple people yell as I shut the door behind us. There's a big hand painted banner hanging up that reads "happy release day!" I begin laughing at the sign then Cameron and I are attacked by hugs from everyone. A million questions are asked and we answer as quickly as we can. "okay okay guys! Let's just do something NORMAL. please!" I say, wanting everything to go back to what it was before. "okay, wanna all watch a movie?" Michael asks. Everyone agrees and Melina orders a movie off Netflix. We all settle in on the couch. Paired off until you get to Dyanna, Mollie, and Taylor. I smile as I see the three girls sitting on the couch cuddled up together just like the rest of us. They have pretty much become part of our little group, and I don't mind. After the movie is over most of us have fallen asleep. Just Michael, Zach, and I remain awake. I whisper "you guys want a snack?" they both nod and Michael lays Savannah gently up against some pillows and Zach does the same for Melina. I slide out of Cameron's grip and we all sneak off to the kitchen. I look through the cabinets and Zach suddenly says "so what are you and Cameron planning on doing while were on tour?" I stop searching and turn to face him. I lean back on the counter, "honestly? I have no idea. Skype I guess?" "hm. I guess. Things are gonna be so different..." Zach says deep in thought. "I think you guys will be fine." Michael says, "Savannah and I plan on texting, and calling every night. And skyping whenever I find time." I smile at Michael, he and Savannah are the cutest couple ever. I'm so glad they found eachother. Zach is still sitting there looking confused. "what's on your mind Zach?" I ask going back to looking for food. There's no response. Finally I find some grape poptarts hidden in the back. I toss one at Michael and Zach, then get one for myself. "Zach, seriously, were all friends here." I say taking a bite of my poptart. "yeah!" Michael adds nudging Zach. "would you guys......" Zach begins then stops himself, "would you guys think I was crazy if I proposed to Melina?" he blurted out. "like do you think were too young?" he added. I laughed, "do whatever feels right Zach. Honestly if it were me and Cameron, I'd love if he proposed to me." I admit.

Cameron's P.O.V.

I woke up and noticed Sam wasn't there. Then I saw the kitchen light on and heard voices whispering. I got up and walked over planning on joining in. I caught the work propose and stopped, I listened closely. Zach wanted to propose to Melina. And now Sam was talking "do whatever feels right Zach. Honestly if it were me and Cameron, I'd love if he proposed to me." her last words caught me off guard. I didn't want to hear anymore. I had to go pretend like I never got up. I had a feeling they were coming back to the couches. Soon enough they returned, making quiet small talk. Sam nestled herself back into my arms. I smiled and pulled her tighter. Everyone else went back to sleep and I stayed awake thinking. I'm gonna propose to Sam, right before we leave. Tomorrow's our last full day here so I'll have to make an escape to get a ring for her. Maybe I'll take Zach and Michael with me. They can help me, and Zach can maybe get Melina something. I laid there awake planning the whole thing in my head as I drifted off to sleep.

Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up and most everyone was already up and moving around, taking showers, getting dressed, eating breakfast. Then I noticed none of the boys are here. "hey Taylor," I said, rolling over lazily. "yo!" she said as she brushed her hair. "where are the boys?" I asked. "oh I dunno, they all cut out of here early this morning, Zach said something about errands they needed to run..." Taylor explained. "hm. Wonder why they went so early." I wondered aloud. I rolled off the couch on to the floor stretching out. Mollie walked in just then, "oh look guys! We've got a new rug and it looks just like Sam!" I began laughing as she pretended to step on me. Dyanna walked in and said, "get up lazy! Were all going to the beach!" "alright, alright, I'm up!" I said. I went to Cameron's and my room and got my bathing suit and went to the bathroom to shower and change. By the time I was done everyone was ready to go. "alright let's head out! I already left a note for the boys to meet us there when they get back." Savannah said as she shut and locked the door behind us all. We all raced down the stair and out across the parking lot. We got to our usual spot in the sand and each laid out our towels. "what first, laying in the sun, or swimming?" Melina asked. "doesn't make a difference." I said. After discussion among the other girls we decided on laying out first, then cooling off by jumping into the ocean. Us girls spent the entire day out on the beach and never heard or saw the boys once. Savannah and I were sitting together while the others went back into the water. "so today is the last day of break, and the last day the boys are home and they decide to spend it out together?" Savannah says sounding annoyed and slightly upset. "yeah, tell me about it. They're leaving tomorrow afternoon!" I say. "I'm gonna miss my Mikey so much..." "we all are. And I'm gonna miss Cam...." I say. Melina walks up and sits down in between us. "why the long faces babes?!" she asks throwing an arm around each of us. "just saying how much were gonna miss the boys." Savannah says. Melina's face drops. "I know. Zach and I have gotten a lot closer over break. It's gonna be so weird not to be with him." she says. I shake my head. "this sucks." I say. Melina and Savannah agree. "well, atleast we all have eachother!" Melina says smiling at us both. "true, and without the boys we wouldn't have eachother, or them." Savannah says pointing to Dyanna, Mollie, and Taylor out in the ocean. I laugh, "yeah, I don't know what I would do without you guys." Dyanna comes running up the sand towards us, "are you guys hungry? I'm starving! What time is it?" "whoa, take a breath. It's 7. We should head back to the place for dinner." I reply. Melina yells for the other girls and we gather our stuff and head back to the apartment.

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