-chapter 11-

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-chapter 11-

Cameron's P.O.V.

This party thing was an awesome idea. And a great way to kick off the rest of our spring break together. When we got back to the apartment everyone divided up to change. "hey guys, I just thought of something, if were having a party were gonna need food and drinks.." I said looking around the kitchen. "oh crap. Yeah we will." Zach said. "and we need to clean this place up and make room for all your equipment so you can play." Melina added. "what if we did this? Savannah, you and Mikey go to the store and get the food and drinks, While Melina and Zach get all the equipment from the bus and trailer ready, and me and Cameron can clean up here. That sound good?" Sam asks. "yeah! Fine by me. Come on Mikey!" Savannah said grabbing Michaels hand and leading him out the door. "alright, I guess we'll drive over and get the stuff from the bus. Considering we have to park it at the parking garage half an hour away we'll be a while." Zach said grabbing his keys. "alright see you guys! Call us if you need anything!" I say as he leads Melina out the door. "we finally have the house to ourself." Sam says smiling at me. I stare at her shocked she said that. "so you were trying to get rid of them?!" I ask. She giggles and says "maybe!" and takes off running down the hall towards my room. I instinctively chase after her. Sam jumps onto the bed and lays there smiling that beautiful smile of hers. I stand in the doorway just watching her. She runs a hand through her hair and looks at me. "what are you staring at?" she asks winking at me. I laugh, "just the most beautiful girl in the world." she blushes and I smile walking over to her. I lay down on the bed beside her and she takes my hand. "you know, we really should be cleaning." I whisper. "I'd rather be laying here with you." Sam whispers softly as she plays with my fingers. I pull my hand away gently and roll on my side so I can see her face better. Sam looks at me and leans her face up and kisses me. I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her on top of me. She straddles my hips and we continue kissing. After a minute she pulls away. "we need to get to work before everyone gets back. Or else it'll look bad and they won't be happy with us." Sam says. I poke my bottom lip out "do we have to?" I say in a whiny voice. She giggles "yes. Now get up!" she says walking out of the room.

Sam's P.O.V.

I can't believe we just kissed like that. We need to be getting ready for this party. I begin cleaning up in the kitchen and living room. "Cameron! Seriously get in here and help me!" I yell. Suddenly I feel his arms around me. I scream and jump backwards right into him. I accidentally smack him in the face with the wet sponge I had in my hand that i was using to clean the dishes. He jumps back because of the wet sponge and trips on the rug falling flat on the floor. I try to hold back a laugh but don't succeed. "Cameron! I'm so sorry!" I say through my laughing. He grabs my leg and pulls me down with him I land on top of him. Hard. "ooof!" he says. "oh god, are you okay?" I ask. "yeah, I am. Now that you're in my arms." he says then kisses me. "Cam, Seriously. We need to finish!" I say getting up and offering my hand to help him. He pokes his lip out again and I hand him the sponge. "you now have dish duty." I say and walk out to finish the living room. I clean the entire place, close off the bedrooms with all our junk in them. Cameron and I rearrange the furniture to make room for all the equipment. By the tine we've finished Savannah and Michael are back. We all help put away the cold food and set up the spread in the kitchen. "you guys did good!" I say giving Savannah a highfive for picking good food. "hey! I helped too!" Mikey said acting offended. I looked at Savannah and she shook her head and I smiled. "sure you did Michael!" We all hang around and chat for a while waiting on Zach and Melina to get back. Cameron and Michael continually update their personal and band twitters about the house party tonight to try and spread the word. Zach and Melina both bust in the door and tell us to all help carry in equipment because there's a ton on people outside already. Every single one of us take off running through the apartment complex to get the stuff. We carry everything up in about two trips each. I help as much as I can with set up seeing as I know nothing about all of that stuff. Savannah looks about as clueless as I do. "savannah, wanna come help me get the rest of the food out?" I ask. She looks up at me relieved. "yes!" We both walk into the kitchen and set up the food and drinks. "thanks for saving me, I had no idea what I was doing!" Savannah says. I laugh, "don't worry, neither did I!" We make small talk as we finish and then Michael yells "WERE FINISHED!" we all yell in excitement and I open the door and yell, "everyone here for the party come on in!" a herd of girls rush in to the room like no ones business. I honestly feel kind of overwhelmed. But I get over it quickly as the boys begin to play. I'm singing along and then I feel a tap on my shoulder. "uhm, excuse me, where's the bathroom?" the girl asks. "down the hall to the right." I say pointing in the direction of the bathroom. The girl smiles "thanks" "No problem!" I say and go back to singing along. After a few minutes the girl comes back. I smile at her then turn back to watch the boys. "so are you Cameron's girlfriend?" she asks. I look at her and smile, "I guess I kinda am." "that's really cute," she says, "I'm Mollie." "Sam," I say smiling again. "hey dyanna!" she yells over the music suddenly. Another girl comes walking over "what's up?" the girl asks. "this is Sam, Camerons girlfriend." Mollie says. I feel my face go red. Why do these girls have such interest in me all of a sudden? Then I remember. My boyfriend is in a popular band. With nearly all teenage girls around my age as fans. "oh! Hi!" the girl says. "hi," I say smiling at her. "I'm dyanna." she says. "Sam," I say, "but Mollie already introduced me." I smile at them both. They seem genuinely sweet, I could see myself being friends with them both. "do either of you want something to eat or drink?" I offer. "sure!" they both say and I lead them into the kitchen. "are you from around here?" Dyanna asks. "yup! Lived here my whole life. How about you two?" "we've lived here our whole lives also!" Mollie replies. "I wonder how I've never met you two then..." I think out loud. "well what part of Cali are you from?" Dyanna asks. "I literally live like 5 blocks away from here." I say smiling. "well that explains it. Mollie and I live about an hour and a half from here." "oh I gotcha!" I say. I continue talking to Mollie and Dyanna, enjoying their company. By the time the boys have finished I've exchanged numbers with both girls and promised to invite them to the next thing we go out a do. After the place clears out I let out a big sigh. "that was fun but I need some major sleep." I say. Everyone agrees and we decide on cleaning up tomorrow and just going to sleep. Cameron takes my hand and leads me to his room and we crawl in bed and shut off the lights.

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