-chapter 14-

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-chapter 14-

Cameron's P.O.V.

The look on Sam's face made me smile. She's so beautiful, I can't wait for her to see the real surprise inside. The guys had hung a banner that read "Happy Birthday Sam!" across the entrance and the front of the building looked old and rustic, but fixed up enough to look like someone actually used it. We had asked everyone to part their cars around back so Sam wouldn't know who or how many people were here. I held out my hand to help her out of the jeep. She takes it smiling from ear to ear, "thank you." she said softly. "you're welcome beautiful." I replied. Michael and Zach ran ahead of us and opened the doors, as we walked in Sam's jaw dropped. I laughed at her reaction. She turned to me and tackled me in a hug. "you did this all for me?!" she asked, tears gathering in her eyes. "not JUST me, you can thank them too." I say gesturing towards Michael, Zach, Savannah, and Melina standing close behind us. Sam ran over and hugged every one of them and then came back over to me. "this. is. Amazing." she looked out over the crowd of people and millions of decorations set up. She began crying, "Sam! What's wrong?!" I ask her alarmed. I wrap my arms around her and pull her face towards mine. "I just can't believe all this. They're happy tears I promise." she says laughing a little. I take her face in my hands and use my thumb to wipe away her tears. "babe, you're worth every bit of it." I say then kiss her lightly. "but there's more." I say smirking.

Sam's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe this. The crowd of people, the decorations, this place! It was all so amazing. I spot Dyanna and Mollie in the crowd of people and tell Cameron I'm gonna go talk to them. He agrees and says he has to go get something anyway. I make my way towards them both. "hey guys!" I say. "hey!" they reply simultaneously. "did you guys know about this?!" I ask. They laugh, then Dyanna replies "well, sort of, you see when we came to the house party Cam saw us all talking so he came up to us afterwards..." "and asked us if we'd help plan it!" Mollie butts in and finishes. I wrap them both in huge hugs. "thank you!" I say. Then another girl walks up to us, "Dyanna, Mollie, I got the drinks for us all!" she says handing each girl a soda. Then she looks at me, "oh hey Sam!" how does this girl know me? I've never seen her before! "hi..." I say awkwardly. "Sam this is Taylor," Mollie says nodding towards the girl. I smile "nice to meet you" "you too!" Taylor says smiling. "so are you excited to see what Cameron has for you next?" Taylor asks nudging me. "let me guess, you're in on it too?" I say laughing. Dyanna looks at Taylor and shakes her head. What was that for? I wonder. I look around at who else is here, I recognize a couple people from around town, the girls I'm with right know, Savannah and Melina at the snack table....then I notice the stage is set up. "hey, you guys know why the stage is set?" I ask. They all look at eachother and smile. "nope!" "no," and "no ma'am!" are they're answers. Suddenly I hear music begin playing, my attention is yet again brought to the stage. I see all the boys up there, and feel my face breaking into a grin. Cameron steps up to the mic and begins talking "hey everybody! Thanks for coming out tonight, as you all may have noticed it's for our good friend Sam's birthday!" everyone cheers and I feel someone pat me on the back. I turn to find Melina and Savannah both there grinning at me. I smile back and we all look back to the stage as Cameron continues "so I'd like to dedicate this song to the birthday girl, some of you might know it. It's Listen To Your Heart by The Maine." As soon as the words left his mouth I was grinning from ear to ear and running towards the stage. I stood at the closest point without actually being up there with them. The boys started playing and I felt my heart melt, as I watched the boy I love and my best friends play my favorite song. I was singing along and everything was as it should be.

Cameron's P.O.V.

Watching Sam below was amazing. She was so happy, I could tell she'd never had anything even close to this done for her before. And I was glad I was the one able to do it for her. We finished the song and I began speaking again "now, for another song, I'd like to play Saving Grace. Also by The Maine." I looked down at Sam and she was grinning with tears in her eyes again. I sang the first words of the song "I walk the tightrope on my way home, you're my backbone, I know you're somewhere close behind me," then I hear an awful cracking noise. I ignore it at first but it persists. I stop playing and so do Zach and Michael. I hear it again, louder this time. And before I realize what's happening the roof of the building is falling towards us, fast. I jump out of the way just in time and it just catches my leg, ripping a hole in my jeans. I hear screams but I'm unable to make out what exactly is going on from all the dust flying around. The fallen roof pulls me down to the ground and and I lay there trying to get my wits about me. I hear Zach and Michael yelling over the noise, so I know they're okay. Then I smell something in the air. This isn't just dust, it's smoke. By the time I've realized this I'm jumping up and taking off running out of the building. Zach and Michael are right behind me. We make it outside and everyone is there. I look down at my leg, it was bleeding pretty badly. I guess I got a little more hurt then I thought. Someone has already called 911 and I hear the sirens in the distance. Then I remember. Sam was right there with us. I quickly scan the crowd and realize she isn't there. "Zach! Michael! Where's Sam?!" I yell panic heavy in my voice. I can feel myself shaking in fear. "oh shit!" Zach yells running back towards the building, "no Zach! It's on fire!" Melina yells grabbing his arm. Michael has taken off towards the building also but Savannah catches him. "we can't have you guys getting more hurt already! Cameron look at your leg! savannah yells at us all. I had already made up my mind, I was going in after her. I took off leaving Melina and Savannah yelling for me in the distance. I threw open the doors and was hit with thick smoke. I choked and it stung my eyes but I fought my way through. I tripped over lots of things steering clear of where I felt extreme heat. I could see only about a foot in front of me. I waved my hands furiously in effort to clear the smoke. I could feel the blood running down my leg and I could feel is in other places where I had cuts from tripping. I made it to the stage where Sam was standing when this happened and begun digging through the wood and roof pieces. I heard the sirens outside and people yelling but it all sounded so far away. I choked on the smoke again and could feel my chest getting tight. The panic of not being able to find her was unbearable. I could feel my body slowly starting to shut itself down. My eyes burned, my chest was tight, and my head felt heavy. I pushed on trying desperately to find Sam, but the last thing I remember was someone screaming my name, then everything closed in around me and my world went black...

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