-chapter 7-

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-chapter 7-

Cameron's P.O.V.

I called Sam this morning and asked if she'd want to come over tonight, she agreed right away. I was really happy she did cause now I don't have to sit around awkwardly while Zach and Melina are all boyfriend girlfriend with eachother. Just then Zach walked into the kitchen where I was making a PB&J sandwich for lunch. "hey dude, I called Sam, she's coming over tonight too." I tell Zach. "alright cool," he replies, "hey you wanna make me one of those too?" he asks smiling at me. "yeah, just take this one." I say handing him the sandwich I just finished making. "thanks!" Zach says running over and jumping on to the couch. I finish making my sandwich then join him. "so you think Melina and Sam will like eachother?" Zach asked. "well I mean, yeah. Melina's really cool, and Sam is quiet but once you get her to open up she's amazing." I say smiling just thinking about being with Sam again. "damn, somebody's in love already." Zach says laughing. I shove him over, "shut up!" I say, laughing cause I know it's true. "man, it must be bad, you're blushing!" Zach says. Crap. It's obvious, really obvious. "well I'm gonna go get ready for tonight and stuff. When is Melina coming?" I ask. "um, she'll be here in about an hour and a half. When's Sam coming?" Zach replies. "I hadn't told her a time yet, but I'll text her to tell her when Melina is coming." I tell him as I walk to my room. I pick up my phone and text Sam before I get in the shower. C: "hey babe, Melina is coming over in and hour and a half, you can come anytime after then. :)" She texts back almost instantly S: "okay! I'll be there asap. I have to finish getting ready and do some stuff here but I'll be over soon :)" I smile as I read her text, then I shut my phone and throw it on the bed.

Sam's P.O.V.

I was really excited to be seeing Cameron again tonight, and meeting Zach and his girlfriend Melina. I thought about it while I was getting ready. I had already showered and couldn't decide how to do my hair, so I moved on to picking out my outfit. I settled on my favorite pair of jean shorts, and a pink v-neck tshirt. Then I go back to my hair. I decide on letting it go natural, which for me is curly. I braid a piece of my hair and clip it back letting the rest do what it wants. I put my standard mascara and eyeliner on and call it a day. I look in the mirror and smile at the face looking back at me. "this will have to do." I say to myself. I pick up my phone off my dresser and text Cameron. S: "hey, you ready for tonight? :)" C: "yes! I can't wait to see you again!" I read his text and can't help smiling to myself, how did I end up meeting this near perfect boy?

Cameron's P.O.V

I heard my phone go off while I was picking out my outfit. When I saw her name flash across the screen I felt my face crack into a smile. I continued texting Sam while trying to make myself look good without looking like I was trying to impress her. I looked through everything in my closet and eventually settled on a pair of skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. I looked in the mirror and messed up my hair just enough to make it not look done but still look presentable. Why was I freaking over this so much? Zach walked in, and said "you really like her don't you?" I looked at him and nodded my head. He laughed and plopped down on the bed. "you don't have to try so hard you know." "yeah but I really want to impress her!" I say, of all people I figured he'd understand most. "if everything you told me about last night is true, then you don't have a single thing to worry about." Zach said reassuringly. I smiled at him, "I guess you're right.... But don't you dare say you don't put a little extra thought into what you look like when you're seeing Melina!" I say teasingly. Zach laughs and says "yeah, I know, I just love her, but were not that serious yet. I'm hoping to take it to a more serious level with her soon." I smile, Zach gets such a dumb lovestruck expression when he talks about her. "I think you guys are ready, you've been dating casually for a while now." I reply. "well, they'll both be here in about 5 minutes, so let's go set up the table and stuff!" Zach says jumping up and taking off towards the kitchen. I take one last look in the mirror and then go to help him before the girls get here.

Bend or Break~(an Allstar Weekend fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora