-chapter 17-

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-chapter 17-

Sam's P.O.V.

Today Cameron and I are getting let out of the hospital. I'm really excited to get out of this prison. It will be so nice to have some fresh air and see some new sights. I feel as though I've been here forever when really it's only been 3 days now. Which isn't long considering all that happened to us. As I'm getting dressed and ready to leave the hospital there's a knock on my door. "hold on!" I yell pulling my shirt over my head. "okay come in!" I yell again. I hear a footstep the an odd sound I don't recognize. I turn around and I'm facing Cameron. My face instantly cracks a smile then I look down and identify the odd sound. His prosthetic leg. I feel tears come to my eyes but I blink and swallow hard. I will not break down again. "cam!" I say wrapping my arms around him. "hey Sam" he says. His hugs feel the same, his voice is the same, everything about him is the same. Other then some scars and his leg he's the exact same. I know I have my share of scars too, so I don't pay much attention to his. He looks me in the eyes and traces the scar that runs down my jaw with his finger tips. I smile at him, "ugly isn't it?" I ask. He looks at me, "it's beautiful. It has a story. Just like you." then he looks down at himself "now this," he says pointing to the prosthetic leg, "is ugly." I take his face in my hands and pull him up to force him to look at me. "nonsense, you're flawless. That leg of yours will always remind me that you saved my life, in more ways then one. I love you more then you'll ever know, and I don't ever want you to dislike all the hell we've been through together. Because I wouldn't trade it for the world." I say meaning every word. Cameron's eyes swell up and I say "babe what's wrong?" "I love you" he whispers the kisses me. I smile and take his hand. "now let's bust this joint!" I say leading him down the hall and out the building. We throw our stuff in my car my parents left for me to drive home and Cameron gets in the passenger seat. I look back over my shoulder at the hospital and get in the car and drive off.

Cameron's P.O.V.

It feels so good to be out of that hospital! I still haven't gotten used to this leg yet but what Sam said made me love it. I look at her in the drivers seat singing along to the radio. That one prominent scar on her jaw line is so beautiful to me. It makes her look like a fighter, which I know she is. I know were young but I want to marry this girl. I need to be with her the rest of my life. I have no idea how I'll manage to leave her when we go back on tour. I'll have to take her with me. I just couldn't bear to lose her. "hey Sam?" I ask. "hmm?" she says keeping her eyes on the road. "what would you say if I asked you to come on tour with me and the boys?" I ask not looking at her, I'm worried about her reaction. There's silence for a while, and my thoughts are running wild. Then I notice she's going past our house. "where are you going Sam?" I ask confused. Still no answer. "are you ignoring me?" I say getting annoyed. She doesn't answer again. "Sam! Did I say something?!" I yell entirely sick of this situation. "gosh Cameron, just hold on!" she snaps. I'm taken aback. What did I do or say? I sink back in the seat and keep my mouth shut. Sam is focused on the road and even turns the radio off. Now we just sit in an awkward silence. I can hear the motor of the car, the sounds of the tires on the road. Everything but the thing I wanted to hear most. Sam's voice. I suddenly recognize where she's going and I can't stop myself. "Sam no! Don't take me there! No. Turn around. I'm gonna jump out of the car! Sam don't do this to me!" I say in a hurried scared jumble of words.

Sam's P.O.V.

Cameron is freaking out. I know good and well why, but I'm doing this for me just as much as me. I just wish he would shut up. I'm about to yell at him and I have a feeling that won't help much. "Sam! Turn the car around now!!" he yells sounding truly scared. "Cameron just shut up!" I yell back. "you don't think I'm scared too?! I'm doing this for us both!" I yell again rubbing the scar on my jaw. Now were pulling up to the building where it all happened. My hands are shaking and panic fills my body. But I knew I had to go back here. To get over this whole fear in my mind. I get out of the car and walk over to Cameron's side. He pulls himself out and I take his hand. We walk over to the building collapsed in on itself. There's not much left of it now. "boy. This place got destroyed." I whisper. Cameron leaned down and picked up a colorful piece of streamer, the ends of it were burnt but the rest was okay. I took it in my fingers and began to cry. I cried of sadness, happiness, fear, and joy. My emotions were so mixed. I was sad that Cameron's life would never be the same again all because of me. Happy that my life will never be the same because of Cameron. Scared of being in the place again because of all that happened. And overjoyed we both made it out alive. I looked up at Cameron to see he was crying too. I guessed for similar reasons, and wrapped him in a hug. Then I whispered "and to answer your question... yes." He smiled at me and took my hand. We ripped the little streamer and let it go in the breeze and walked back to the car.

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