-chapter 9-

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-chapter 9-

Sam's P.O.V.

I smiled at Cameron's gorgeous face. Then realized, my parents! "oh my gosh! Cameron!" I yell. He sits up quickly and asks "what?! What's wrong Sam?!" in an alarmed voice. "my parents!!" I yell yet again jumping out of the bed and running for the door. "SAM!" Cameron yells as I swing the door open. I turn around with a questioning look on my face, and Cameron is coming towards me. "Melina called your parents and said you were staying with her and she was a good friend from school. They bought it and were okay with everything." he explains. Relief fills my body and I slump into Cameron's strong arms. He laughs a little and kisses my forehead. "you didn't think to tell me that in the first place?" I ask shoving him lightly. He laughed and pulled me close to him. Then I hear voices coming from another one of the rooms. Zach, Melina, and Michael all emerge from the rooms next to Cameron's. I smile at all of them. "goodmorning!" Zach says, "who wants breakfast?" "I'll help!" Cameron and Mikey say as they all head towards the kitchen. I turn to Melina, "thanks so much for saving my butt last night." I say. "no problem! Cameron told me your parents are strict on you and you don't have the best relationship so I wanted to help." Melina explains smiling at me. "yeah. Thanks again." I feel the sudden urge to hug her, because I've never had someone do something for me like that before. Even my friends from school wouldn't do that for me. Jamie and Kendra are okay friends. But they aren't always there for me when I need them. That's when I realize why I enjoy these people so much; They're the closest things I have to true friends. I hug Melina and she hugs me back without even hesitating.

Cameron's P.O.V.

Zach, Michael, and I were in the kitchen making all of us breakfast. Sam and Melina were watching tv or something in the other room. I couldn't believe Sam stayed overnight. It was so nice to watch her sleep. I really liked having her sleeping next to me. It was so comforting. Then I got an idea. "hey Michael," I say. "yeah?" he asks while fixing some eggs. "what if you stay here with me and Zach over spring break?" I ask smiling at them both. "yeah, we can put a bed in the back room for you to have" Zach adds. "you guys mean it?" Michael asks. "of course! You're our best friend!" Zach says speaking for us both. "and besides, were just staying here for spring break cause then we start touring again." I say. "alright! I'll stay here. My stuff is out in my car still but it's not much." Michael replies looking genuinely happy again. "and hey," I say nudging him as I walk to the toaster to fix the toast, "you should text Savannah and ask her to come over and hang with all of us today. And possibly stay the night like Sam and Melina." I add winking. Michael's face goes red and he smiles. "okay, I'll call her after breakfast." Zach then blurts out "why is everyone falling in love lately?!" I start laughing, "you mad you're not the only one anymore?" "no, I'm just wondering what's happening to my boys. You're growing up." Zach says patting me and Michael on that back. "whatever man" I say laughing again. Then Michael announces "BREAKFAST IS SERVED!"

Sam's P.O.V.

After we all ate Michael called Savannah and invited her over. She of course agreed, and said she'd be over in about an hour. I decided to go home real quick and check in. As soon as I pulled in the driveway I was awaiting an explosion. But turns out dad and mom were on the couch watching tv together, without arguing. "hey!" I say in an extra happy voice. "hey honey! Did you have a nice time at Melina's?" my mom asked. "yeah, I did. Thanks for letting me stay with her!" I say wrapping them both in a hug. "hey where's Caroline?" I ask. "she's staying with her friend Geovanna for the rest of spring break." my mom explains. Hmm. "oh. Okay, Im gonna go shower and change." I say taking off up the stairs. As soon as I'm out of ear shot I'm dialing Cameron's number on my phone. "hey!" I say as soon as he picks up the phone. "hey, what's up?" "I had an idea, but I need to ask you first." I say, grinning the whole time. "what's that babe?" Cameron asks. "what would you say if I asked to stay at your place over spring break?" "I'd say heck yes!" he replied excitedly. I nearly screamed, but held it in because of my parents. "okay. Here's the plan. I'm gonna tell my parents I'm staying with Melina for the rest of the break. And I'm gonna shower and pack then come over Kay?" I ask. "sounds like a plan!" Cameron says. "okay, I'll see you soon!" "bye!" I hang up my phone and rush to get ready. Excited doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling at this moment. My parents are getting along, I finally have friends, and I'm staying with them for break, and I have an amazing guy head over heels for me. Life has taken a major turn for the better. I get dressed and pack all my stuff I'll need for the week. Clothes, bathroom stuff, bathingsuit incase we go to the beach, stuff to sleep with, ect. Then I walk downstairs, careful to leave my bag on the stairs out of sight. "hey mom, dad?" I ask gently. "yes?" they say in unison. "Melina invited me to stay with her for the rest of break. It'll be her and me and a couple others. Can I please?" I ask giving them my best 'ill be the best daughter in the world' look. "well. I guess so Samantha. But have your phone with you incase we need you. Where does Melina live?" my mom says. I jump up and down with excitement, "yes! Of course! And she lives in the apartment complex on Ashley Way. It's like 15 minutes from here, right near the beach on the sound side." I explain. My parents both smile then my dad says something I wasn't expecting "Samantha, the reason were letting you do this is because this is the happiest I've seen you in a long time. And we trust you. And we want to prove that to you." I almost begin to cry. I wrap them both in huge hugs and then grab my stuff. "I love you guys, thanks again!" I say walking out the door.

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