-chapter 6-

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-chapter 6-

Sam's P.O.V.

After having a huge fight with my parents over me leaving the house without their knowing, I head up to my room. I can hear more arguing continuing downstairs even after I'm gone. It's awful to listen to so I decide to check out Cameron's band. I plug my headphones into my laptop and youtube Allstar Weekend. The very first song to pop up is called 'Do It 2 Me' I click on in and less then 30 seconds in I'm already in love. These boys have some true talent. I listen to a few more then click over to iTunes and buy all their albums. I play their music loud enough to block out the noises downstairs and flop down on my bed. I stare at my celling thinking about the trainwreck that is my family. I can't wait to move out on my own. Only one and a half more years till I'm 18, then I can get out of here. I pull out my phone and text Cameron. S: "hey, I checked out your band..." I hit send and lay my phone beside me on the bed. A couple seconds later it goes off, C: "and? What do you think? :)" S: "you guys are amazing!" C: "thanks! I thought you might like us. ;)" S: "well, I already liked you. ;)" C: "well of course!" I texted Cameron a little more then he said he had to go. Nows the time I wish I had more friends. Jamie, my best friend is out of town for spring break and she won't be back till the Sunday before school starts. Kendra is also away, but she will be back in two days. Other then them I don't have anyone I'm extremely close to. I guess being shy doesn't really work in your favor as far as making friends. That got me thinking, why was I so open with Cameron? Something about him just felt as though I could trust him. Unlike my other jerk of a boyfriend from a couple months ago.... And people wonder why I have trust issues. Just then my sister walked in. "ever knock?" I ask annoyed. "you have a lock." she retorts. I roll my eyes. "what do you want?" I ask. "nothing," she says. "then what are you doing in here?" I ask sitting up on my elbows. "I need your advice..." she says, looking down at her feet. "on what?" I ask wondering what she could possibly want my advice for. "uhm, I need your advice on keeping my cool with mom. I really want to fix things with her. I feel like it'd really help all of our relationships as a family, especially mine and yours...." she says her voice cracking a little bit. "aw, Caroline!" I saw jumping up and wrapping her in a hug. "I'll help you, we'll both work on it and hopefully fix some things." I tell her smiling to myself. Maybe things will get better sooner then expected.

Cameron's P.O.V

"Zach! You won't believe this!" I say as soon as I get back to Zach's apartment were staying at for spring break before we go back on tour. "what?" he says meeting me at the door. "I met the most amazing girl on the beach tonight." I say grinning. "oh so THAT'S why you've been gone so long!" zach says giving me a shove. I laugh, "yeah whatever. But you'll never believe it, she plays guitar, and writes songs. They're really good too! I haven't heard her play yet but I'm sure she's good." I tell him excitedly. "whoa there, were not getting a new guitarist already! We just lost ours, I'm not ready for someone new already Cameron." Zach says shaking his head. "no, no, I just mean we should take her in for consideration when we decide we need a replacement." I explain. "oh okay, that's cool I guess." Zach says. I smile then head to the room I'm staying in. I throw my phone on the bed and consider texting Sam again but decide against it. It's getting pretty late so I decide to shower and get ready for bed. After I go out to the living room to see what Zach's doing. "hey where's Michael?" I ask when I walk in and find Zach alone. "I don't know, I haven't seen him ever since all the crap that went down. You and him both took off, but atleast you came back." Zach said. "oh, you think he went to Alexandras to stay?" I ask talking about Michaels girlfriend. "heck if I know." Zach says, "but I invited Melina over tomorrow night, so you should see if Sam wants to come over too and it can be like a double date." "awesome! I'll ask her!" I say jumping on the couch to watch the rest of whatever Zach was watching on tv.

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