-chapter 12-

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-Chapter 12-

Sam's P.O.V.

It felt so strange to know someone was laying beside me. I could hear Cameron breathing beside me, it was steady and always there. That was very soothing, just knowing he was there. I rolled over on my side facing away from Cameron. I lie there just thinking about how amazing this break has been, and all the people I've met, and all the exciting things still to come. Then I feel Cameron's hands slide around my waist. I smile and put my hands on top of his. He pulls me closer to him and molds his body to fit mine. I start giggling and ask in a secretive whisper "Cameron, are you spooning me?" he laughs and whispers "maybe" right in my ear. I feel his warm breath on my neck and it sends chills down my spine. He tightens his grip around my waist, and I feel his hands wondering a little. "what are you thinking about?" I whisper. "about the fact that I have the most beautiful girl in my arms. And that I love her." he replies. I feel my face get red and I smile. I'm glad it's dark, I probably look really stupid right now. Cameron runs his fingers along my waist line, and I grab his hand. "you know we can't do anything right?" I whisper turning to face him. "who said I was trying to do something?" he says innocently. The moon is letting off just enough light throughout the bedroom that I can see a slight smirk playing on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes. I kiss him suddenly and he grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him.

Cameron's P.O.V.

I wanted her so badly. She's such a tease. Now as Sam sits on top of me kissing me, I want her even more. I pull her closer again. I run my hands up and down her back as she runs hers through my hair. She pulls away and the moonlight let's me know she's smiling. "please?" I ask. Sam looks down at me as if considering it. Then leans down and whispers "not tonight." I poke out my lip but know better then to keep asking. Then she comes close again. "but spring break isn't over yet" She whispers in a seductive voice. I grin and she smirks at me. Sam crawls back over to her spot on the bed and cuddles up against me. She lays her head on my chest and I play with her hair as she falls asleep. I lay there and watch her sleeping on my chest thinking about the fact that I never want to let her go. I just want to stay like this forever. Then I remember, I'm leaving for tour again soon. All of us are. What will become of Sam and I? I push those thoughts out of my mind and decide to focus on what's happening right now. Because this week is all about living in the moment. It's gotten us this far, how can things go wrong now?

Sam's P.O.V.

I was woken up by the sun shining through the window. I still had my head on Cameron's chest and he had one arm around me. I smiled, things could not be more perfect. Trying not to wake Cameron I slipped out of his arm and quietly gathered my clothes and shower stuff. I walked out into the hall and everything was quiet. I assumed everyone was still asleep so I showered and got dressed then returned to Cameron's room. He had turned over and was laying on his side. I crawled onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear "goodmorning" He opened his eyes slightly and I kissed him on the lips gently then jumped out of the bed. "hey! Tease!" he yelled rolling back over to his back and sitting up on his elbows. I laughed, "get your lazy butt outta bed!" "fine fine! Where's everyone else?" Cameron asked. "I assumed still in bed. I just took a shower so I didn't go exploring." "oh okay, well let's go make breakfast and maybe everyone will get outta bed." Cameron suggested. I agreed and we walked to the kitchen and started making pancakes.

Bend or Break~(an Allstar Weekend fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ